Give me Liberty, or Give me Bells…

Event Date

Apr 21, 2017

And the bells toll…0530 and we're off.

4 of us begin Warmup

-SSH(IC) x 25

-Baby forward arms circles, to big, to baby reverse arms circles, to big…keep those arms up…20 OYO overhead claps…keep those arms up…repeato

-Copperhead Squats(IC) x 25

-By the time we go to here, two vehicles(comapny issued but I'll keep it at that) came in hot.

-10 more SSH(IC) for those that missed the first round

The Thang-horder subject to interpretation)

??Now we are at 6 for the bell session, and what a selection we had,

A 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and introducing the Liberty Bell(authentic cast iron bell from the M's grandparents farm that settles in between 55-60lbs)

Line then up in ascending order by weight and this is what we did:

Everybody pick a weight and work through all until you are back where you started.

Russian Swings-10 each arm with each bell until you need to use both arms.  Lunges with the 10, and Squats x 10 with the Liberty Bell.

Cleans on the 10, 20, 30, and 40…Presses on the 15, 25, 35.  10x each arm on all.  Deadlifts x 10 with the Liberty Bell.  Oh, and let's add a tire flip or two when you transition from the Liberty to the 10.

Bent Over Rows-all the way from 10 to the 40.  10x each arm.  Deadlifts x 10 with Liberty.  Tire Flip x 2

Merkins x 5 at each bell-Left arm on the 10, 25, and 40 then merk.  Right hand on the 15 and 30 then merk.  Diamond merkins on the 25 and 35.  Derkin using Liberty. Tire Flip x 2

Curls x 10 with each arm at each bell-Wide curl on the 10 and 15.  Straight curl on the 20 and 25.  Strict curl on the 30 and 35.  Tri extensions x 10 with the 40.  Dead lift x 10 with Liberty.  Tire Flip x 2

FNG-2 Gino tries to sneak out after posting for the 4th time now with no nickname, but we got him this time.  Welcome Bowser.  From Brooklyn, been in NC since September.  Two very well mannered sons in the Cub Scout crew.  Loves gaming(Call of Duty) although I've only seen him in Marion and Star Wars Tees.  Being Q-Bert was taken, thus spawned Bowser.

And now off you go…

And that's your free workout.  No time for Mary with guns like these.


?Today is/was National Kindergarten Day.  While rucking before the post I passed a home site we had passed times before but now a house stood.  During those previous passes we used/borrowed a block or two for various exercises, always to be returned.  So in some little way have touched that home.

The same can be said for teachers, leaders, coaches, etc.  They/you are influencing someone's child every day so if they are doing a good job let them know.  It doesn't have to be a Kindergarten teacher in this case.  For those of you leaders in our group, I thank you.


??-TClaps to 2.0 Bolt(FNG-1) for posting on an early morning on his spring break.  The kid just brings it, and always has a smile on his face.

-I think I made Spork's day when I told he he got to tough ALL the bells…yes even Bertha.

-Oldies, great having you out for a KB session.  And props for rocking the tank with YHC.

-I think someone's bell may have gotten loose and scratched Zippy on the leg, but I'm not sure what was going on over on that side of the circuit.  He was slinging some major tire around though, I'm sure the 2 flips reflected were light in his total for the morn.


Fantastic having you men out there with me this morning and having an opportunity to lead.

