Gladiator Feast & Double Helping of Pain

8 MEN fought the urge to stay in bed and came out to St. Marks for a #Gladiator feast with a double helpings of Pain. They knew to #BringGloves but they didn’t know what to expect since @dola1212 is still DR. An exhausting good time was had by all.

Warm-o-rama: Mosey around parking lot near the fountain to get the lay of the land ending by the dumpster to pick up cider blocks. Zamperini 75 yards for Circle-Up:

In Cadence (IC): Side Straddle Hop (SSH) – 10x, Imperial Storm Trooper (IST) – 10x, Cotton Picker – 10x, Mountain Climber – 10x, Merkins – 10x, Squats – 10x, LBC – 10x The PAX then grabbed a cinder block and we performed 10x “8 count” Burners (block squat, curl, press, and skull crusher).

The Feast with Double Helpings

First Course

Partner #1 – Farmer Carry two cement blocks 50 yards toward Pull-up Bars

Partner #2 – Run 75 yards and back to meet up with partner Farmer Carrying toward them.

Flap Jack until reaching the Pull-Up Bars

5x Pull-ups

15x CDD (Carolina Dry Dock) – plank when done

10x Feet to Hands (while hanging from bar)

20x Back Step Lunges (10 each leg) – plank when done

REPEATO (Double Helpings)

10x “8 count” Burners (block squat, curl, press, and skull crusher).

Second Course

Partner #2 – Farmer Carry two cement blocks 50 yards toward Fountain

Partner #1 – Run 75 yards and back to meet up with partner Farmer Carrying toward them.

Flap Jack until reaching the Fountain

20x Step-Ups (10 each leg / lifting knees high) – plank when done

15x Incline Merkins (IC)

10x Box Jumps

10x WWII Sit-ups – plank when done

Partner #1 – Farmer Carry two cement blocks 50 yards and back

Partner #1 – 20x Dips – plank when done

Flap Jack

Third Course

The Q forgot his phone at the Pull-Up Bars so the Pax heading back

Partner #1 – Farmer Carry two cement blocks 50 yards toward Pull-up Bars

Partner #2 – Run 75 yards and back to meet up with partner Farmer Carrying toward them.

Flap Jack until reaching the Pull-Up Bars

5x Pull-ups

15x CDD (Carolina Dry Dock) – plank when done

10x “8 count” Burners (block squat, curl, press, and skull crusher).

15x Windshield Wipers

Zamperini back to dumpsters – place blocks back

15x LBC

15x JLo

Recover, Recover


Thank you PAX for coming out this morning to Gladiator for a Feast and Double Helping of Pain.

A special thank you goes out to @dola1212 for giving me the opportunity to bring the pain this morning to the PAX. It is an honor and a privilege to lead.

Chewy and Omar, it was great to meet you.

Caboose, I just realized that every time we talk in the gloom, you always say you didn’t want to get out of bed. I’m glad you continue to make the choice to overcome the fart sack.

Sweet C, it’s always great to see you.

Funkey Town and Norberg I hope the workout was challenging enough. I don’t remember even hearing a grunt from either of you; I guess I was the only one complaining. Great work today.

And Amen, I always appreciate your hard work and enthusiasm. I also like your choice in Mary… JLo is always my pick too. Keep up the good work brother.

Gentlemen, I hope you have a great rest of your week! See you in the gloom.