15 Gloom Warriors stepped into the Arena to put in the work of becoming F3 Gladiators

1 for the Standard Run – Turnpike

1 for a solo Standard beatdown – TBC


YHC showed up around 5:15 to see a couple cars and check out the AO.  It has been quite some time since he has been back, but he remembered those crazy cinderblocks THE Hall Monitor made us carrier around one morning during True Grit.  With that being said….it all happened like this:


30 IC SSH ( was going to go to 50, but I didnt want to copy Travolta)

15 IC Cotton Pickers

15 IC Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the Cinder blocks 

Take all cinder blocks (18 to be exact) to the pull bars ….. 

          If you are carrying two – Farmers carry

        …………………………one – Zamperini

The Thang

Partner up

Partner 1 – Farmer Carry two cinder blocks approximately 75 yards set down and run back

Parnter 2- AMRAP Burpees 

Flip Flop – Partner two run to cinder blocks and bring them back via farmers carry

Total Burpees 100

Repeato with 200 mericans

Repeato with 300 Jump Lunges (This is because Travolta wanted Cardio)

Same Partners

100 Curls – Run 75 yards down and back

Flip Flop

100 Skull Crushers – Run 75 yards down and back



30 IC Low Flutters – YHC

33 IC Touch dem Heels -Cornwallis

20 IC Box Cutters – Hallelujah

45 second plank

Recover Recover


Thank you Travolta for allowing me to Q.  I plan on Qing again in the near future.  This is by far my favorite AO!

A few faces that I dont get to see in the gloom very often, but I hope to continue to get to know each of you!

Hallelujah and Amen….The dynamic duo of father and son.  This is inspiring.  Amen-You set the tone for your son daily, and that is awesome!  Hallelujah- You are a beast!!! Your cadence and direction is better than 99% of the Pax

Ramrod, TBC, Cornwallis-(and Jedi) Appreciate the FFF support!  We all have worked out together since I started F3, and our friendships are something I cherish deeply

Turnpike- Solo Standard and strong work!  You continue to amaze me! You are consistently getting out to other AOs and support those around you!  You are the definition of  #HIM

Overall not a lot of mumble chatter.  I expected some from Travolta, or Blackbeard, but it was very quiet this morning.  

I have been in quite the funk lately with some nagging injuries, but getting up this morning to know that I was meeting  a group of men like the group today has made my day that much better. It is easy to get stuck in the vortex of fartsack and the downward spiral of laziness.  It isn't the 1st, 2nd or 3rd F that breaks you out of the funk….it is all 3.  I am fortunate to have met men that I now call my best friends to hold me accountable.  I am blessed beyond measures to have this community.  

Until next time.
