Glass Cutters

Event Date

Jan 22, 2019

Six men of hardy stock made it out on a frigid Tuesday to try their hand at as well as demonstrating the fine art of Glass cutting. It was pretty nipple out there


Way too cold for yoga. SSH, TS, Windmill, Cherry pickers and Mercans

The Thang

Mosey tour of the Quarry to get and keep the heart rate going

Lap 1

Mosey to back lot 

  • 10 pull-ups OYO
  • 10 knee ups OYO
  • Alternating steps on curb x50

Mosey to garden area

  • Decline Mercans
  • Left leg step ups
  • Incline Mercans
  • Right leg step ups
  • Dips

Mosey to covered ab station 

  • Leg lifts 
  • Freddie Mercury 
  • Box Cutter

Mosey to main parking lot

  • Shuttle run up, side and back along parking lines
  • Calf raises x50
  • Mike Tyson (CDD and Squats)

Lap 2

Mosey to back of school

  • Air chair
  • Balls to the wall (aka, Dicks on the Bricks(1))

Mosey to gate

  • Gate pull-ups
  • One legged squats, do for both legs

Mosey to back lot

  • Pull-ups OYO
  • Knee ups OYO

Mosey to garden area

  • Decline Mercans
  • Left leg step ups
  • Incline Mercans
  • Right leg step ups
  • Dips

Mosey to covered ab station

  • Ankle ups
  • High flutter
  • Low flutter
  • Low dolly


  • iPhone weather at wake up time showed 22 degrees but car thermometer had it at a balmy 24 degrees on the way to the Quarry
  • The double glove made an appearance today. If you can handle the resulting lack of circulation, it does keep your hands warm
  • “Keep ‘Em Up”!
  • Kruggerand and Ozzie are heading to a Burn boot camp session this weekend. They promised to bring back some keen observations on the other participants as well as a few pointers for future workouts
  • (1)Dicks on the bricks attribution to Kruggerand
  • Q not sure if the feeling in his lower abdomen is a hernia, an appendix or just too much Keep ‘em up
  • The bush in the garden area is more than a little unkempt
  • What is Pax to think when someone performs their balls to the wall (or dicks on bricks) set away from the rest of the group?
  • Hey, I just cleaned those windows!
  • That was one impressive showing today fwith the cold temps and coming off of a holiday weekend
  • Great work men!