Gloom Dial at The Blender

Event Date

May 30, 2017

(One Pax missing who is it)

10 Pax manned up this morning after a patriotic Memorial Day. God Bless the families of those that have lost a loved one and all those still serving.


Warmorama – lap around the campus

The Thang-

kettlebells in a circle in center of campus, do an KB exercise or two in the circle then sprint to a far corner of the campus for a bodyweight execise

20 KB swings OYO

20 Mericans

20 Halos

20 J-lo

20 Curls

20 Carolina Dry Docks

20 Skull Crushers

20 Dericans

20 Overhead press

20 Swings

Balls 2 the wall 30 sec

Peoples Chair 60 sec

Balls 2 the wall 30 sec

Peoples Chair 60 sec

20 Halos

20 Curls

30 Freddie Merc

20 Skull crushers

20 Overhead press


Partner up

Partner KB situps 60 sec


Recover, recover


1. YHC was in such a good mood today with a fantastic effort put in by all

2. Dallas was the only mumblechatter in the group and I fell it was driven by the pain in his leg (Dallas please heal that thing)

3. Caboose thanks for the positive encouragement when Dallas was mean to me (I'm sensitive you may have heard)

4. No Rico, No Bam Bam, No over Budget???

5. Muliple pax led by Bunyan expressed the hole in their heart left by Bogey never Qing anymore but admitted they have less anxiety now.

6. See you all at The Bear this Saturday!