Glove Love

Eight of Mountain Island’s finest made it out in the early am to feel some Glove Love. 
High knees, butt kicks, karaoke both sides, SSH with a twist – 10 regular, 10 with a front clap and 10 with scissors, cotton pickers and windmill
The Thang
Come get yo cinderblocks!!!!! We did at least 10 of each of these, but some were 15 and some were in cadence. And some of the aerobic ones had 50 
– Step ups onto cinderblock – switch feet in air
– Leg raises with other leg on cinderblock – alternate sides
– Decline mercans with blocks on the curb
– Calf raises
– Dips on curb
– Incline mercan on curb
Run around the pool
– Shuffle/Zorba toe taps on cinderblocks
– Squat to shoulder press
– Squat / deadlift
– Cinder swings
– Front raises
– Upright row
– Bent over row
– Curls
– Clean and press alternate sides
Run around the pool
– Mountain climbers
– Skull crushers
– Back and forths onto cinderblock
– Lunges with cinder twist at end
– Gun show curls
– Farmers Carry around parking lot, alternate hands as needed
– Plank with elbow on block and opposite leg in air
– Overhead and chest press
– Lie on back with legs in air and block up on arms, do an “ab up”
– Mason twist
– WWWI sit up with feet nestled in cinder holes
– J Lo
– Papoose or marsupial carry, high knees optional
– The cinder blocks came ribbed for her pleasure
– Gaye-dar was triggered with the new SSH’s
– However, the new SSH’s did cause Pax to break into a Soul-Train line, electric boogaloo style
– “Dad, my junk hurts.” “Son, it just may be a case of phimosis. Phimosis is a penile malady that includes symptoms such as a swollen foreskin that makes it the consistency of a water balloon and a purplish hue on the head of the schwanz. We should definitely go get that checked out.” And now we know
– Oktoberfest exhibits far less complaining and cheating whilst Q'ing
– My shins hurt, with a pain that is at the same place on both sides. Must be a shin splint from all the running…but I have never know a shin splint that broke the skin and left a bruise…pretty sure gravity could not have had anything to do with it
– Karaoke rhymes with and sounds like areola
– 911 has failed to post since his apparent need to “find a seat" during last week’s workout.  Pax has come up with alternate nicknames of 1) Olestra (food additive with the classic disclaimer that ingesting it could cause loose stools and anal leakage) and 2) Firesharter. Or perhaps he is just in England trying to determine how EMT’s plan to handle the pending Brexit.
– Half brain / full brain discussion similar to left brain / right brain personalities. It’s not the size of the brain that matters, it's what you do with it
– "Is this a thing?" continues to instill much Pax confidence in the Q
– Although he used the helpful sizing graphic that came with the pre-blast correctly, Oktoberfest needed some finger coverage for his gloves
– This just could be part of the regular rotation
– I counted 28 different exercises with cinderblocks Good shift, bee-atches!!