Go Tell It On the Mountain

Event Date

Dec 19, 2020


5 men emerged from the gloom.  Not afraid of the cold.  Not afraid of scraping windows.  Not afraid of watching for ice while walking through the hollow.  In fact, looking forward to the BEATdown #muahahaha and brotherly fellowship.  Good times were had.  Mutinies were avoided.  Reverse psychology played out.  Sore muscles.  Many laughs.  Heartfelt love for one another and each other's families.  This is how it went down.

659 and I'm sure Anvil and Salty were questioning the SVU 659:50 rush…
659:50 no worries bro's, we're here

Warm Up:
20x SSH
12x windmills
20x mtn climbers
12x ISW
12x merkins
shoulder circles, little/big, forward/backward, overhead clap, seal flaps, ouch #ThanksHefty!
10x2x Dippy Birds (R)

Run back and choose your personal COVID-free block from the back and return…dude, they felt heavier than normal from the get-go…need to weigh those again…used to be 33# each…felt like a frozen water-soaked 40+ but who knows

Parking lot fun
– buttkicker +mosey back
– high knees +mb
– monkey walk +mb L/R
– burpee broad jump +mb  #crowdpleaser
– karaoke +mb L/R
– bear crawl + crawl bear

Block run up Little Baby Hill
12x trifectas
12x squats (block optional)  #notacurtsy!

Scaleable gathering run to Skippers and back
12x block walk across merkins  #ugh
12x seal jacks

Scaleable gathering run down anti-Skipper road and back
12x block squat thrusters
12x hanging rows
*** Anvil appreciates the extra guidance on form, especially the breathing only out of the right nostril.

Scaleable gathering run to SailView Dr and back
(YHC was oxygen deprived and forgot to do 12x Copperhead curls and block lunges)

Blocks back to the AO
Christmas gifts for all!!!!  
Quick ab blaster
12x Freddy Mercury's
12x heels to heaven
12x reverse crunch toe touchers…haven't done these in awhile

Block run up The Big Hill
YHC tries to play nice and give options.  What was the most favorite and least favorite of the previous exercises..
pax agreed that most favorite of previous block exercises was bent rows.
*** Salty puts on his #amateurpsychologist hat and suggests bent rows were also the least favorite.
YHC plays along…okay….24x bent rows

Return to the AO, blocks to the back
Return for a little more Mary
12x low dollies
12x butterflies
12x box cutter…some people are not ambi-boxcut-trous…#lifeskills
51sec of American Hammer

reflection:  Luke 2: 8-15
8 In the same region there were shepherds staying out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord flashed and shone around them, and they were terribly frightened. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for [f]all the people. 11 For this day in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (the Messiah). 12 And this will be a sign for you [by which you will recognize Him]: you will find a Baby wrapped in [swaddling] cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 Then suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host (angelic army) praising God and saying,
14  “Glory to God in the highest [heaven],
     And on earth peace among men with whom He is well-pleased.”

* think of the dichotomy of the shepherds having a quiet night and a multitude of the heaven host roaring in to sing praise to the upcoming birth
* the shepherds didn't know or understand what was about to happen, just chillin' out like any other night
* the angelic army knew what was about to happen, the importance of it, and couldn't keep from praising, shouting, singing
* how are you acting this Christmas season?  quiet, meh?  joyfully sharing the good news?
* maybe reflect on this a bit and consider changing your 'tude a bit


Anvil sports his Robin/DumbDonald toboggan with eye holes.  (#NotMushmouth…whoops)  Shirley suggests not wearing it when stopping at gas station on the way home. #wiseman  
FYI – Bill Cosby only voiced Fat Albert, Mushmouth, and the narrator.  
Fat Albert Christmas Special:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bscLGzPzRu0
#classic70sculture #struttin' #you'llbegladyouwatchedit

Salty was #dressedtoimpress, well at least compared the rest of us clowns.  Color coordinated black/red combo.  #Everygirlscrazyboutasharpdressedman

Shirley #proudDad mentioning his XC son breaking 18 and daughter in the 19's #itstheprocess.  Also, apparently 12yo Caroline about to open a bed and breakfast.

Strudel laments the challenges of not seeing parents over the holidays.  Suggests putting literal pen to paper over the holidays; hand-written notes.  #togetherwecangetthroughthis #we'llgetthroughthistogether

Good reminder Strudel.  We have to be a little creative this year in sharing the #Christmaslove.  Maybe stop looking at the phone and use it to call family, buddies, Navy pals, etc.  Buy some paper and share a written word…maybe some thank you notes from past love received.  Be the Joyful voice.  Positive facebook posts(!).  Zoom hugs.  
Spread the love and joy of this holiday season guys.  #Gotellitonthemountain.
Christ was born to be our salvation.  Show your love for Him by loving those around you well.

Be healthy.  Be Blessed.

Such an honor to lead this morning.