Go to Jail, Do Not Collect $200

Saturday are always a favorite because I can sleep in until 0630. Waking up to clear skies and temperatures in the upper 50s was an added bonus. I headed for the AO immediately since I had a few stations to set up before the pax arrived. Had almost everything in place as 11 other curious men stepped from their cars to see what I had in store.


We moseyed down to the school gym at 0700 and everyone seemed happy until I told them to find some wall for People’s Chair. WHAT?? We ALWAYS start with SSH. What can I say? You got me. I just figured manly men would want to burn off a few calories while stating the disclaimer rather than standing around in the middle of the street, but that’s none of my business.

Following the seated disclaimer, we did several seated air presses. Then we did the SSH. The pax ask and YHC listens. Besides, SSH is so much better when the quads are warmed up. You’re welcome. Following SSH, we got down on all 4s for mountain climbers. After halting, I was tempted to give a few men a burpee penalty for standing up without a “recover” but I was feeling benevolent. Besides, there would be plenty of burpess later; why ruin the surprise. We did a few merkins and then moseyed back to the start point of our rendition of Monopoly.


Everyone partnered up and we got down to business. There were 12 stations in a (mostly) square shape about 80 yards on each side. At each station was a piece of paper outlining what each team member had to do before moving on. Once complete, one member would run to center of “board” to roll a die and move clockwise to that station. Rinse and repeat.

The stations were set up as follows:

  1. Go to Jail (run 2 sides of square to opposite corner)
  2. Block Blvd (20x Curls, 20x Presses)
  3. Roundabout (20x IC 1/4 Turn Jump Squats)
  4. Back Alley Bars (10x Pull-ups, 10x Chin-ups)
  5. Muhammad Alley (25x Curb Kickers)
  6. Push Up Park (10x Incline, 10x Left Arm Up, 10x Decline, 10x Right Arm Up)
  7. JAIL (15 burpees)
  8. Community Chest (draw top card for kind of exercise X number, IC)
    • Jack = 11, Queen = 12, Kind = 13, Ace = 15
    • Clubs > Carolina Dry Dock
    • Hearts > Monkey Humpers
    • Spades > Squats
    • Diamonds > Maktar N’Diaye
  9. Jump Street (50x Jump Rope)
  10. Discount Tire (20x Tire Flips)
  11. Roped Inn (15x Power Slams, 15x Low Snakes)
  12. Cindy Lane (10x Lawn Mower – each arm, 10x Skull Crusher)

We started by all running to Jail, doing our burpees and then going to roll the die as each team finished. Thinking teams would be motivated to complete the stations quicker, I said that if another team landed on the same space before the first team weas done, the first team would stop what they were doing and run clockwise around the board to jail for burpees.

Bad idea! I can’t speak for every team, but it felt like Goat and I were doing burpess every 5 minutes. Fortunately, Goat had a moment of enlightenment and called an audible on my behalf: instead of jail, move past the space to the next spot that you have not been to yet. This was much better and we were able to continue play until about 5 minutes shy of 0800.

The men helped clean up the playing pieces and putting everything back in it’s place. That left a couple of minutes for MARY. I saw Goat getting ready to call out more merkins so I quickly interjected with a “Get on your six!” and began calling cadence for flutter kicks. The plan was to go to 50 IC, but my brain said “no way” and forced my voice to rise at 21. Oh well, it *was* 0800.


  • We had an FNG with his 2nd post today. Toxic brought heads together and after floating several teaser names, settled on “Black Bart”, a reference to the sheriff in Blazing Saddles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN9FTMleuxg)
  • The Force asked for prayers for Lake Norman Charter’s QB, Cade, who was in the hospital following a serious car accident earlier this week. He is in serious, but stable condition currently.
  • He also asked for prayers for the many hudreds of employees laid off from Lowe’s earlier this week, many of whom have niche skills that may not translate well into new industries.
  • Thanks to Hippie, The Force and Gnarly Goat for providing some of the diabolical devices used to cause pain for the pax this morning.
  • Thanks to all the men who showed up to play. There were many good choices for your fitness this morning and I’m humbled you chose Mighty Jungle with YHC at the helm. Going up agaisnt Shaken on his 5th anniversary had me nervous I’d be playing solo.
  • Don’t forget Dallas’ Roast on March 3rd. Olive has asked all to bring monetary donations to benefit Dipstick’s family in the Myrtle Beach area. Dipstick passed away following a traumatic injury in an amateur boxing match. He was a veteran who leaves behind a wife and two sons, 6 and 3.
  • Thanks to Rocket for letting me fill the calendar with Qs over the next several weeks. There are a couple weeks in April still available and then May is wide open. If you haven’t signed up, do so soon, Don’t make me make you. /wink