Going GAGA at GAGA

Event Date

Aug 21, 2018


9 GAGAers (including Butter Knife) went GAGA for F3 GAGA. Here is their story:


1 mile warm up

4 x 1.5 mile w/ 800m active recovery

1 mile cool down


Recover recover



  • All pax logged between 7-9 miles…strong work by all
  • Really tough conditions for sure
  • Q School is Friday at the Cauldron with Gnarly Goat leading the ship…DO IT
  • Christmas Party is 12/1 at 7 PM…DO IT
  • Speed for Need is pushing at Amazing Grace 5K and Huntersville Holiday 5K…DO IT
  • Dads Camp is this Friday…DO IT
  • There you go. Your fall is completely planned with awesome F3 activities. Did I mention BRR is in 2.5 weeks? You should know that since you were flyin' at F3 GAGA today. Thanks for joining gents. It was an honor to lead this fine group of runners and even finer group of men. Until the next time…