Going in circles with blocks


15     IC      SSH

15     IC      Mountain Climbers

15     IC      ‘Mericans

15     IC      Imperial Storm Troopers


Mosey to the block pile

Do a trip across the overhead bars

Grab a block and a partner

Start at the bottom of the parking lot – start partner relay

Partner one – dips Partner two, run a short lap – switch

Partner one – run a short lap, Patner two, block burpees – switch

Partner one – Farmer Carry, Partner two – short lap – switch

Repeat until top of parking lot

Circle up –

15 Curls with blocks 

20 Bent Over Rows

15 Laying Chest Press IC

25 LBCs IC (without blocks)

Return Blocks

Trip across the bars


15     IC      J-LO

25     IC      Low Flutters

15 IC Pickle Pounders (via Ty Webb)



– 9 lives picked up the Q for Monday – Thanks!