Good Cop / Bad Cop at Berean

Event Date

Sep 12, 2022


NFL Football is back, so we scoured the F3 Exicon Page ( for some football related exercises.  Here is roughly what went down on a warmish and humid day at Berean:

0515:  Disclaimer given, warm up in place.


  • High knees in place for ~30 seconds
  • Long Snapper x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC

The "Somewhat football inspired Lexicon" thing:

1st & 10:

We marked a distance of roughly 100 yards.  Perform 10 Mericans, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards.  Recover jog back to the start.  Run to the 20, perform 9 Mericans, 2 Burpees, sprint the remaining 80 yards, recover jog to the start.  Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed.  Note:  We ended up 1 set short here, Cobains.  

Tabata time:

We did 2 minutes on, 30 second rest of the following:

  • Glute bridge
  • Elbow plank / front leaning rest
  • Slow deep squats
  • Low flutters
  • Air presses / seal claps

Recovery lap around the parking lot.  Circle up again for:


Named after the Univ. of South Carolina football DE standout, this exercise involves 7 sets (per Clowneys's college jersey number 7).  The exercises are 4 jumping lunges IC followed by 4 Mericans IC.  Rinse and repeat this set of exercises 7 times.  Note:  We audibled here, and did 2 sets of 7 to honor his number.  

Mary / Stretching:

  • L / R quad stretch
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Legs out straight in front stretch
  • Knees to chest
  • Butterfly / cobbler stretch
  • Pigeon R / L stretch
  • The "Hang Low"
  • Tippie toes

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.06 miles.


  1. We prayed for our friends Blackbeard, Jedi, and Scrappy.  
  2. Well Mr. Gnarly Goat called BS once (or twice?) on the "1st and 10", but later said all was forgiven with the generous stretching we did.  He said it was like a "Good Cop / Bad Cop" Q so we're going with that for a title.
  3. Titan supplied the music for a bit before leaving us early.  Appreciate you bud!
  4. Everyone else + Thug + Possum joined for "Monday Morning Quarterbacking" at Starbucks.  We discussed yesterday's sermons, where we were on 9/11, and joked the Panthers lost because Caesar skipped Church to attend the football game.  All in all a solid morning gents!  Thanks for the opportunity Mr. Goat.