20 IC side straddle hops

10 IC Cotten Pickers

10 IC Mountain Climbers

Head over arm pulls

arm circles


Station 1: 20 OYO(on your own) KB Swings / 10 IC Deadlifts

Doing Halos to next station

Station 2: 10 IC Goblet Squats / 10 IC Sumo Hight Pulls

Holding KB over head to next station

Station 3: 10 IC Skull Crushers / 10 IC Atlas Swings

Mosey/Run to next station

Station 4: 10 IC Curls / 10 IC Bent over rows

Around the world to next station

Station 5: 10 IC Merkins / 10 IC Chest Press flutter kicks

Lunge walk to next station

Station 6: 20 OYO Step-ups / 20 OYO Calf Raises

Figure 8 walk to back to station 1 



10 IC American Hammers with KB

10 IC LBCs 

20 IC Flutter Kicks

10 SLOW IC Merkins


John 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.


Big Shout out to the Huntersville guys for posting up with us! It was awesome to have so many PAX for kettlebells. Hope the workout was good for everyone and that everyone will feel it throughout the day.

