Good Morning Hill People

Gentlemen of F3, good morning to you and happy thursday.  Today on the 12th day of January in the year of two thousand and seventeen, 13 men arose to challenge themselves and each other with a workout that adhered to all the F3 standards and protocol and did not deviate from the expectations of even the most traditional Pax.  Here is their story:

0500 – A quite manly yet fuel efficient Japanese sedan slid in between two massive American made trucks which undoubtedly had elaborate bells and whistles inside yet a 2wd tranny that couldn't make it through one of those gravel silt filled areas the town of Mooresville calls an "infield".

0530 – several more hill people came, each driving a massive truck, mostly American, mostly 2wd, all dripping with venison blood.

Mosey to one of the best things about Race City, a nice soft track around hope park…unfortunately it was flooded…so we go warm up in the Y parking lot.

SSH x 15 ic

Cotton Picker/Soybean Farmer/Stand there and look puzzled at the Q x 15 ic

IST x 15 ic

Moving on to one of the nicer hills in all of hill people land.  We mosey to the bottom as the "runners" restart their watches.  Usain gives a sarcastic and butt hurtish apology to the Pax for giving the Q away.  Whilst all YHC can do is smile and nod.

At the bottom of the .20mi hill, we do 10 merkins.  Then we run to the top and do 10 merkins.  Then we run to the bottom and do 10 merkins….we keep doing that til we hit 100 merkins. Because nothing would be more embarrassing to a hill person than to not be able to lift a bale of hay, or giant gun, or boyfriend/goat, etc…

When that was all finished up we took a couple laps around hope park while Manhands spouted off stuff that I won't type on a public site and Big Mean held his recorder close by for future use.

Then mary happened, I delegated to Big Mean because i thought he may want to call an exercise out.  But then he proceeded to call all the exercises until interrupted.  Then we went around the circle and did some Mary by committee.  Finger Licking Good decided to kill us with Vups, which was impressive to say the least.

Nymph (i thought he died) decided to shred our elbows with j-lo.

Rent a cop did box cutters, then Manhands picked virtually the same exercise with the alphabet.  Surprisingly he actually knew all the letters!

There were some others and some additional mumblechatter, and you may be asking yourself, what is this mumblechatter that i missed.  My answer to that is, you don't get to know everything without showing up.  So to those reading this that enjoy a backblast, good, enjoy it.  To those who will never read this, good, keep on keeping on. 

As we move into a model with expanded leadership we will have different methods and practices.  My stance on our F3 protocol is to ask yourself this question:  Is it working?  If it is, then get out of the way.  There is not one way to lead a workout, there is not one way to lead a bible study, there is not one way to lead anything.  The most important thing is that you step up and lead.  If you fail, then fail fast, correct things and try again.  If you have posted to more than a few workouts, then it is your turn to lead.  Step up, don't wait on somebody to call you out, it is YOUR TURN!  If you are a master Q and you have Qd your workout more than once a month, then you are doing it wrong.  You are in charge of building leaders, not doing it all yourself.  Be bold, call somebody out at COT, on slack, on twitter, be relentless in your passion for developing others.  Don't settle for a no or a sometime, get them set on a date and help them be successful.

F3 is leadership training with a fitness element, a fellowship element and a faith element.  If you are only participating in 1st F, you are missing out on 2/3 of what this has to offer.  2017 will be a year of growth for our region.  And if you are reading this, you are called to be a leader.  If any part of you thinks you can make a difference, then you have found the vehicle that can do just that.  Its time to act, if you are ready, let me know or let a master Q know, don't just sit back and watch others do it.  Its time!

I am thankful for this gift, and i am amazed by how running around a park at 5:30am with 12 other guys can make such a difference in my day.  I appreciate Usain giving me an opportunity to lead this morning and I am thankful to Black Eyed Pea for sharing this gift with me a few years ago.  I was praying for it.  Don't be afraid to share it, because somebody else is praying for it today.
