Good Morning Vietnam

Event Date

Dec 08, 2020

Also in attendance- McBeal, Vegemite, Miracle Grow, Bolt, FNG- Fin (10 yr old)

It was a cold morning, right at freezing and windy, and the platoon has been dwindling down as the temps have been dropping. But as we approached 5:30 the calvary showed with Vegemite and Tiger King pulling up right on time. McBeal appeared out of the darkness like Navy Seal ready for action and as the Q sounded the trumpet the Stanford Army rolled out in full force doubling our numbers in the gloom (reinforcements). Now for the battle, we charged out to…


Mosey around the green to get the blood pumping and warm up our bones,

Circle up at the clubhouse for…

SSH, Merkins, Calf Stretch, Side Lunges, Runners Stretch, IST, Arm Circles- forwards back, Neck Stretch,

The Thang

Mosey down SW Blvd, left on Hellen Benson, pause at the bottom of Silas to circle up

Q waived to think and Sparknut in his attentive fashion saw it a called out the Q 😉

SSH, Merkins then up Silas, LDS at the top and then down the hill

Circuit of 3 Sets

Parker Peters (10 on each leg)- at the dead end of James Ervin

Bear Crawl the Crawl Bear- at the dead end of Silas

Merkins x 10- other end of James Ervin

Sprint to the first light on the right on Silas then 10 LDS at the top

Circle up for Side Lunges- 10 to each side

…..Mosey to the play ground

Circuit of 3 Sets

Derkins x 10

Step ups x 10 on each leg

Hanging Crunches x 10

2 Sets

Side Lunges- 10 per leg

Derkins x 10


Elevated Pirate Humpers- 10 per leg (with the feet in the mulch, turns out this works the hamstrings, not abs 🙂 )


Recover Recover


Summer's Walk Christmas Festival this coming weekend with food trucks, hot doughnuts, luminaries for the Davidson Housing Coalition, and caroling.

Praise for Vegemite back from Maine and McBeal getting over the bronchitis. Prayers for Bolt that took a nasty spill over the handlebars of his bike chipping his two front teeth.

I can't believe we are getting close to wrapping up 2020. Time to take on a new year. Thank you men for the opportunity to lead.
