Good Ol’ Fashioned Workout

Event Date

Jul 06, 2019


FNG's = Gonzo and HopHunter

7 appeared from the gloom at various times this morning.  5 of the 7 men at today's workout used the workout as a finisher.  3 swam to the buoy and rode 6-8 miles.  2 ran with some of the running gang.  Good times had by all; all were whooped at the end.  Welcome to NG Gonzo (invited by Twinkle) from Asheville-ish area.  This was one of Metro's last workouts, and it just seemed appropriate to bring about some old fashioned implements of pain.

– 20x SSH
– 10x windmill
*** couple more roll in, may as well give everyone the full treatment
– 20x SSH
– 10x windmill
– 10x imperial squat walkers
– 20x dippy birds (10/side)
– 15x mountain climbers
– 15x low country crabs
– 10x merkins

Back to the back playground:
– 10x block curls for the girls
– 10x block skull crushers
– 10x block squat thrusters
Good Ol' Fashioned Meat Grinder
– 20 stepups (timer)
– down unders
– derkins
– curls
– calf raisers
– pull ups

mosey up to the front
– 2 quadraphelias
*** fun little joking banter with Big Easy and Metro about 'remember when we bear crawled up this hill, haha, that was so horrible,'….I'll just tuck that in my pocket for later.

*** Hop Hunter falls in from his early run with GW, Vortex, and others?   Sure, you can join in the pain…muahahaha

mosey back to the back
– blockety-block-block repeat-o
– Good Ol' Fashioned Meat Grinder repeat-o
  – add in plank up/downs
  – sub in hanging block curls for regular curls
  – sub in tou touches for pull ups

Back to the front…meet at the road.
Line up for an lunge walk…3 push ups at the back
Then, oh, what's this?  A bear crawl LBH?
*** #crowdPleaser
8×8 T-plank merkins

– 10x LBC
– 10x low flutter
– 10x box cutters
– 10x Freddy Mercury's (Tour de France reference)
– 10x Peter Parkers (new Spider Man movie reference)
– 20x American Hammer

Reflection:  Matthew 15
"1 Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, 2 “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”…"17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
– many lessons in chapter 15
– watch out and evaluate if you are focusing on the wrong things
– sure, health is important and you should wash your hands, but how is your heart, how are you treating others?
– are you really good at acting like you have a good heart, or do you genuinely have a good heart?
– ask for His wisdom and His perfection to cleanse your heart of evil desires and thoughts; be pure, have a good heart and take care of those around you.

*** good fun today; great job Twinkle bringing an Ironman friend, hails from closer to Asheville area; hereby known as Gonzo in these parts because Twinkle says he is super speedy on the bike trails; like Speedy Gonzalez…Andale, andale!! arriba!!
*** Tclaps to Twinkle for advancing from dock-to-dock swimming to making the buoy this morning.  Heckuva growth brother in such short time.  Your persistence and determination are admirable good Sir!
*** Fabio and Hop Hunter looked beat after their runs; kudos for joining in the fun after some hot running.
*** Reminisced a little bit with BigEasy and Metro, the OG's, you guys are amazing; been great gettin' better with you all these years.
*** Especially Metro, the fastest bear crawler this side of the Mississippi, and probably further honestly.  We will all miss you dearly, although we won't miss the surprise Murphs or SO MANY STINKIN' PULL UPS…haha, love you Brother.   Only a few more MetroDog workouts left before he moves.  Don't miss out.

So honored to lead you guys — be blessed