Good Ol’ Jim Kidd and Back

A pax of 13 crawled out of the fartsack for a "recovery" run out to the rock on Jim Kidd and back. There were several that ran the increasingly popular River Rat 10K beforehand and got in some healthy miles this AM. Nice work Tantrum, Turnpike, Lex, Wingman and others…

Got in just over 4 miles going out to the rock on Jim Kidd and back. Then finished with the hill in Carrington Ridge before heading back to the parking lot. Varying paces…many don't quite understand recovery pace.

We did a mix of merkins, cotton pickers, squats, and planks throughout the run.

  • Thanks Smokey and Lex for grabbing the six and probably an extra mile or so along the way
  • Curd looking strong this morning if anyone still needs to pickup a teammate for BRR…nice running with you brother
  • Impressed with the number of pax regularly double or tripling down on Saturday mornings…tclaps
  • Thanks Turnpike for the opportunity to Q at Excelsior. Thanks to the Lake Forest Men's Ministry for the EH (Email Headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant motivation and encouragement to get out each morning and work to better myself and others. Until the next time…

Don Ho