Good old fashioned Boot camp

9 men showed for a good old fashioned boot camp this morning.


15 Imperial Storm Troopers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Mountain Climbers IC
10 Windmills

The Thang:

The Crowd Pleaser (or BamBams per Tuffy) – Merican/Goiner ladder up to 6/6.  My new favorite excercise.

Head over to the ramp for some DORA

100 CCDs, 200 LBC's, 300 squats

Round 1:
Partner 1 CCDs while partner 2 runs up ramp, across lot, down stairs, back to start.  Flip flop.

Round 2:  
Partner 1 LBC's while partner 2 runs up ramp, across lot, down stairs, back to start.  Flip flop.

Round 3:
Partner 1 Squats while partner 2 runs up ramp, across lot, down stairs, back to start.  Flip flop.

People's chair + airpresses x 20

After all those squats, a Mosey to the rock pile for some upper body work was in order.

Full curls x 15
Skull crushers x 15
Shoulder press x 15
Chest presses x 15
Run down block and back
Repeato with 12 reps IC, then with 10 reps IC

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

Homer to Marge
Recover Recover

Strong work from all this morning.  

Code Blue grabbed the biggest rock in the pile, then was lucky enough to draw the second biggest one when we rotated… nice work!

Jersey Boy gets extra credit for the low flutters during the Chest presses.  Well done!

Good luck to the brothers running in the P200 this weekend!

FNG1 = Three Rivers

Deep Dish