Good Ole Fashion Beat Down followed by 2F onsite coffeetaria

Good Friday a day of rememberance and a time to spend with our brothers!

Pledge of Alliance – “The Star Spangled Banner” performed by the U.S. Air Force Band


  • Mosey (Around the parking lot) High-knees, Butt-kickers, Karaoke (Left, Right)

  • “One-legged” SSH 20 x IC (Each leg)

  • IST 15 x IC

  • Toy Soldier 15x IC

  • Cotton Pickers 15 x IC

  • Windmills 15 x IC (Slow)

  • Bat Wings

Mosey to the rock pile to select a “traveling rock” and back to the baseball field

The Thang:


  • 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges each leg (or Jump Lunges), 15 Imperial Walker, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Packs, 30 Squats. Run from foul line to center field line 100 yards. Repeato 2x

Devin Hester

  • Two PAX of similar speed, one with a rock and a small head-start, race 100 yds. 2nd Pax attempts to run down the 1st. Repeato 3x

Jack Webb

  • A Merkins then over-head rock press combination with ascending repetition count 1:4 up to 5:20 and back down 1:4. Single count

Rock pile work

  • Curls, Over-head presses, Skull Crushers, and Chest presses 15 x IC

Mosey back for Mary


  • Low Flutter x 20 IC

  • Rosalita x 20 IC

  • Pretzel Crunch x 15 IC


  • The Geek and Landline were on cruise control during the Standard.Thankfully they circled back a few times to check on YHC.

  • Just to note, Roadie is a big fan of Pink Floyd and always enjoys the pre-workout music.

  • Clown cars a plenty this morning Bagboy/Wingman and Holiday/Deep Dish. I believe there were a couple more but I don’t know who left with who.Ah, it don’t matter it is all about accountability.

  • Bagboy called out “Q school” to keep YHC in check. A little sloppy in a few of exercise transitions but YHC cleaned it up.Although, he failed once more calling a 4 count instead of single count Jack Webbs.I was thrown off by Jazzy’s shart. I wasn’t sure if it was an emergency.

  • Moby Dick and Grenade brought half and half and their own travel mugs for coffeetaria.Way to be environmental!

  • Always great to see Snake Eyes, he is one of happiest Pax members and brings us up.

  • Stapler and Commando the father son duo.Thank you for the coffee donation – Black Rifle “It is the Taste of Freedom”. It is a veteran owned company.Check out the website.  The General will be proudly serving!

  • Soprano is solid.He chose the “boulder” and knocked out rock pile exercises.

  • Turbo, it is great to have in Pax you are getting stronger and stronger.I will soon need to learn how to distance run with your coaching.

  • Hippie, Dr. Seuss and Outsource are tried and true General regulars. I think they especially enjoyed the coffeetaria as they shut it down.

  • Special Sauce thank you for sponsoring my VQ a while ago.I still have room for improvement to become a true master.

  • I am in great gratitude for F3 and humbled to serve with these fine men in Christ.

  • Dingo has the Q next Friday, 4/6.

  • Remember our brother Olive.He needs our support.Please make a contribution whether sweat, time or monetary donation to a very special cause.Be a runner or volunteer for Christina’s 8k!
