Good Runners at Ludicrous Speed

Event Date

Nov 17, 2021

Got a request the night before from Black Eyed Pea to Q Ludicrous Speed.  No problem!  Especially since everyone at Fallout on Tuesday (Gambini, Snake Eyes, Tantrum, and YHC) agreed we would post at Ludicrous Speed today anyway.

YHC had 2 plans.  The first was if any FNGs or less experienced runners showed up.  But since only good runners * showed up, we went with plan 2 as described below.  Here is roughly what happened for 7 Pax today at Ludicrous Speed.

0500:  A nice, not too slow, run standard with Calypso and YHC.  We stuck to the track.



  • 1 slow lap together around the track

The Hill Thing:

  • Double time up the hill to the exit of Barnette Elementary.
  • Although no disclaimer was given by this point (Cobains), YHC did hear and note that we were short on lights.  Therefore, we'd stay within the saftey of the Carrington Ridge neighborhood; as opposed to hill repeats on Bud Henderson.  So we moseyed past Lawndart's house to the top of a hill at the intersection of Colonial Garden Dr. and Colonial Garden Dr.  (No, YHC was not "lost" nor am I making that up.  It's like the "Nexus of the Universe" episode of Seinfeld for anyone old enough to remember)
  • Slow run down the hill, and around a small street to demonstrate the "recovery portion" of each hill iteration.
  • Run up the hill, "double time"
  • 10 Burpees OYO (substitute squats if needed)
  • Recovery speed down the hill and around the small street
  • Repeato, with 9 Burpees / Squats
  • Repeato, with 8 Burpees / Squats
  • Repeato, with 7 Burpees / Squats
  • Repeato, with 6 Burpees / Squats
  • 10 count given by Tantrum at this point
  • Slow run towards the exit of the neighborhood (this was also a hill!)
  • 5 Burpees / Squats before leaving Carrington Ridge, cross to the Barnette side
  • 4 Burpees / Squats
  • Mosey down the hill
  • Double time up the hill (last one as promised)
  • 3 Burpees / Squats
  • Mosey down the hill again toward my car for Mary


  • 2 Burpees / Squats
  • L / R quad stretches
  • Hamstring stretch
  • L / R calf stretches from a front leaning rest position **
  • Butterfly stretch, although the experts call this the "Cobbler Stretch" ***
  • Touch your toes stretch ****
  • 1 Burpee / Squat

Recover, recover.  According to Strava we covered 3.79 miles for the main event, and we mixed in 55 Burpees / Squats.


  1. We prayed for comfort for everyone close to Chicken Little. 
  2. * TBone would like to understand the definition for "good runners".  Yes indeed, we were all good runners today.  Hope that clears it up.
  3. ** Tantrum asks why I always start on the left.  I…don't know…never really thought about it?  Otherwise Tantrum was generally good to the Q with maybe only one BS call or maybe he was "booing" me.  That's still a win though.
  4. *** TBone questioned the need for stretching.  YHC pointed out that the Pax who regularly attended Stretch Armstrong generally have less injuries than us.  But Jenny quickly debunked that theory pointing out several injuries sustained by that group.  I guess we'll need to perform a year long 2022 experiment to see if stretching really helps.  TBone and Jenny will be the "control group" that doesn't stretch.
  5. **** Snake Eyes is flexible and was the only one who could touch his toes.  In fact no one else came close!  Good to work out with you 2 days in a row bud.
  6. Same for Gambini, 2 days in a row.  Nice job leading from the front today.  It really is only a matter of time before someone claims you for their next relay team.
  7. Calypso, thanks for letting me tag along for 1 set of your weekly Murph on Monday.  And appreciate you coming out for the standard, it was great catching up. 
  8. BEP – heal up that calf brother and thanks for the opportunity to lead these fine men.
