Good Thing Outlaw Doesn’t Post at Fallout

Event Date

Nov 27, 2018


The pre-blast mentioned that this would be the warmest day of the week. What it failed to mention was that it would still be below freezing. When YHC arrived, The Force was hanging out in the car. He would not debark until Snake Eyes showed up. Elmers snuck in right before the buzzer. All were shivering so we set about to fix that in a hurry.

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
  • Windmill x10 IC

Now that the blood was moving a little better, we each grabbed a cinder block and Zamperini-ed to the track where we set down our blocks and began the morning’s Thang.

  • Run 100m around curve
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Run 100m straight
  • 10 Burpees, 20 CDD
  • Run 100m around curve
  • 10 Burpees, 20 CDD, 30 Squats
  • Run 100m straight
  • 10 Burpees, 20 CDD, 30 Squats, 40 Block Curls

That sucked. The pax begged for no more burpees and YHC obliged.

  • Run 100m around curve
  • 10 Turkish Get Ups OYO
  • Run 100m straight
  • 10 Turkish Get Ups, 20 WWII Situps
  • Run 100m around curve
  • 10 Turkish Get Ups, 20 WWII Situps, 30 Lunges
  • Run 100m straight
  • 10 Turkish Get Ups, 20 WWII Situps, 30 Lunges, 40 Shoulder Press

That sucked too. Not enough time for a Suck Trifecta so partner up.

  • Partner 1 farmer carries two blocks 100m
  • Partner 2 sprints 100m when partner 1 is halfway
  • Flapjack

Let’s Zamperini and put the blocks away so we can hang out with Mary (Jane).

  • Jane Fondas x25 IC (each leg)
  • Absolution (aka Ab Solution) x5 IC

Recover, recover.

In place of a traditional prayer during CoT, YHC talked about Christ’s birth and how He came to model leadership by being a servant. Then a reminder that the purpose of F3 is to invigorate male community leadership and that if we are not modeling that leadership by serving others during this Christmas season, we are failing to achieve the true point of F3. Achieving our fitness/weight objectives or setting PRs in races/CSAUP are fantastic, but leading others is the real reason we are here. Your challenge this Christmas season is to step up and lead in some fashion whether at work, at home, in the community or in F3.

MOLESKIN (best served chilled)

  • LawnDart is looking for Qs. Perfect opportunity to meet the Christmas challenge above!
  • Lots of good options for a workout today; thanks to the men who opted to join me and make it worth rolling out of bed this morning
  • SnakeEyes works subtly at the EH — I was halfway home before I realized he had gotten me to commit to a Wednesday post!  
  • Kudos to three other Qs today (Atlas, Stapler, Tater) who got in a back blast before me this morning