Good thing We aren’t Doing Legs

Event Date

Apr 24, 2019



Bolt 45 IC 

20 Merkins OYO

The Thang

4 Stations rotate when the next PAX member gets to you

    1- Jump Rope/ Quadraphelia to the next station

    2- LBC/ Mosey to the next station

    3- Squats/ Lung to the next station

    4- Merkins/ Mosey to the next station

2 rounds of that

Indian Run with two Merkins the long way to in front of the gym

20 Monkey Humpers IC

85 Hot feet each leg OYO

Mosey back to the launch pad


20 Rosaleta Whips IC

15 Crunch Fries IC


10 American Hammers IC 

10 Flutter Kicks IC


Romans 10:9

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 

I hope we all understand this verse and believe it

Prayer request

Pray for Miranda’s co-worker who shot his self in the leg that it works out the best way possible

Pray for Jeeves Mother in law who fell.

Pray for Hefty’s co-worker who hit his head and is having problems getting back right

If I missed any please add


There was so much talking I can’t remember it all. Going to watch the rest of the Canes Game