Good Times In Davidson

Additional men: Scorsese, Pearl & Whirley.  Duvall, Tater & Mind Freak joined in for Mary & COT at the end. 

20 men showed up in this morning’s gloom for a good time in the Davidson AO.  Since I had my first post at Half Life on Wednesday, my running cup was sufficiently full (but not running over) so we didn’t log mileage on this workout, but we did mix in a bit of running.


SSH 24xIC, Cotton Picker 10x IC, Windmill x10 IC, leg stretches.  


Run to LNCS & partner up by the pull-up bars.  Size doesn’t matter, but speed would a little later on.  Partner A = 5x pull ups & 5x reverse crunches (knees to chest).  Partner B = 7x burpies.  Switch.  REPEATO. 

Mosey to school building wall. 

#1 – Partner A = B2W.  Partner B = 1x lap around building, but don’t start until Partner A is in up & in position.  Switch.
#2 – Partner A = People’s Chair. Partner B = 2x laps around building, but don’t start until Partner A is seated.  Switch.
#3 – Partner A = B2W.  Partner B = 1x lap around building, but don’t start until Partner A is in up & in position.  Switch.

10 Count

Circle up in Basketball court for Mid-Point Mary.  Mason Twist x10 IC, Freddy Mercury x10 IC, 1 Leg Straight Out LBC x5 IC each leg (10x IC total).

Run to DUMC for brick & paver work.

With Bricks, Lawnmower Merkins x10 IC (raise brick to shoulder), Kick Outs x10 IC, Kick Your Bricks x10 IC (Horizontal Hold & Toy Soldier). 

10 Count

One Long Squat – knees bent 90 degrees or greater, elbows off thighs – hold for 1 min.

With Paver – Carolina Dry Dock on Paver x10 IC, Lying Press with Low Flutter x10 IC, WWII Sit Up with Paver 10x straight count, Holding Paver straight above head, alternating lunge x10 IC. 

10 Count.

One long squat – hold for 1 min.

Curls x15 IC, Skull Crusher x15 IC, Bentover Row x15 IC. 

Put ‘em up and head back to Green – find some wall.

At Green – Dips x20 IC, Decline Merkins x5 IC, Incline Merkins x5 IC.


LBC x15 IC, K-Low x15 IC, Heels to Heaven x15 IC, Elbow to knee – Right to Left & Left to Right x15 IC each side, Heels to Heaven – just the top part x15 IC.  1x IC SSH that I left off the warm up.

Recover, Recover.


I am always humbled by the privilege to lead the PAX and really just to be a part of this F3 thing.  All men did a great job this morning and I appreciate the encouragement and motivation everyone’s presence & efforts provides!