Good Vibrations, Marky Mark’s Form Focus Fitness

16 today for a fun Marky Mark F3 beatdown, Form, Focus, Fitness.  We had one real FNG, Jeff Culp, aka Julius.  One of the Dad's and coaches on my sons T-ball team.  Jeff owns a DQ nearby.  Names Julius and Blizzard were thrown around, we decided on Julius.  That reminds me of trips to Eastland mall as a child.  We would get Chick-Fil-A and stop by for an Orange Julius (Before DQ and Orange Julius became a thing)

Marky Mark's Form Focus Fitness, Feel the vibrations

25 years ago today Marky Mark's "Good Vibrations" hit the billboard #1.  Many people may not know this but Marky Mark also released a fitness video in 1993 titled Form, Focus, Fitness…interesting…3 F's, hmmmm.  I borrowed and modified some of that since we don't have enough dumbbells. 

Here's how it went and I highly recommend watching through some of this video, it is entertaining!…

COP with the Tunes of Marky Mark, Good Vibrations
20 IC Mt. Climbers
15 IC Tony Hawks
In the middle of Tony Hawks the song ended, the next song on the playlist was "Gettin' Jiggy with it"

The Thang
Mosey down to the blocks.  Grab a block and meet at the top of the hill.  2.0's just do bodyweight or a smaller rock

10 IC Wide 'Mericans
10 IC Military/narrow 'Mericans
10 IC Dips
10 IC Goblet Squats
10 IC Lunges w/block
10 IC Dead Lift

10 OYO each foot single leg calf raises with block
10 OYO both feet calf raises with block

"Triple threat Super Set" 10 IC of each
Shoulder Press
Bent row
Deltoid raise

Curls (Squeeze at the top) 10 IC of each and tri's
Squatting curls
Standing Curls
Skull crushers
Lay me down Triceps extension, now known as face crushers

Run over to the bleachers all 10 IC
Incline 'Merican

PAX completes pull-up rotation.  Start with 2 on pull-ups and 2 assisting pull-ups and everyone else hold peoples chair.  Everyone rotate through max pull-ups plus 2

Partner leg throws Scissor kicks
WWII sit-ups Out of time, but the WWII sit-ups were meant to tie us into the start of the reflection…


Another interesting factoid, besides today being the 25th anniversary that Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch landed on the billboard #1, ALSO on this day in history…  President Harry S Truman in 1947 gave the very first Presidential speech on live TV.  In this speech Truman asked the American public to conserve food.  Europe was still recovering from WWII and suffering from famine.  He was concerned that if we couldn't provide food aid to Europe that his administrations Marshall Plan for European economic recovery would fall apart.  He asked farmers and distillers to reduce grain use and asked the public to forgo meat on Tuesday, eggs and poultry on Thursdays and save a slice of bread a day.

Think of what we could do today if we thought of others more than we think of ourselves.  We are taught to look out for #1 (yourself) by society.  While part of Truman's plan was to benefit the US the humanitarian effort was real. 

Deuteronomy 15 7-8

If there is among you a poor man, one of your kinsmen in any of the towns of your land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not harden your hearts or close your hands to your poor brother; But you shall open your hands wide to him and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.

Another couple of good reads Job 31 16-22, Psalms 112 5-9


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  • Venus really likes Mark Wahlberg's abs
  • "POW!"
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