Google Misinformation

YHC took a bet with Crab Legs that I didn't stand much of a chance of winning.  Regardless, the "penalty" was I had to get up and lead a workout that would benefit me physical.  Kinda a win / win.

YHC was instructed by the MQ to post a workout that traveresed 5-6miles of Huntersville.  Simple enough.  The first route showed 7.4 miles using Google Maps. Scratch that as to not upset Crabby.  The 2nd route selected was 6.6 miles.  Close-enough for this non-runner so that will be the route.

The route turned out to be 4.94 miles from start to finish, most likely due to flawed algorithym inside the Google Maps Architecture that calculated higher numbers that what was actually ran?!?!?!  Regardless, 5-miles at a decent pace was a great workout.


* The route covered a good 5-mile portion of the huntersville Half

* I have been latered critisized that it was to be a HR run, but MQ didn't set that paramater on the front end.

* Always great to lead fine men in the gloom.  Thank you Crabby.