
A 2019 high water mark of eleven customers came out to Gordo’s in order to try and trim their bush to make their decks look bigger. Initial indications were positive.


Nada. Gotta get to work

The Thang

The 99. Nine separate sets

Set 1

  • 99 LBC’s

  • 9 Burpees

  • 99 High Knees

  • 9 Mericans I/C

  • 99 sec Wall Squat

Set 2

  • 88 LBC’s

  • 8 Burpees

  • 88 High Knees

  • 8 Mericans I/C

  • 88 sec Plank

Set 3

  • 77 LBC’s

  • 7 Burpees

  • 77 High Knees

  • 7 Mericans I/C

  • 77 sec Wall Squat

Set 4

  • 66 Side Straddle Hops

  • 66 LBC’s

  • 66 sec Wall Squat

  • 6 Mericans I/C

  • 66 Lunges

Set 5

  • 55 Side Straddle Hops

  • 55 LBC’s

  • 55 sec Plank

  • 5 Mericans I/C

  • 55 Lunges

Set 6

  • 44 Side Straddle Hops

  • 44 LBC’s

  • 44 sec Wall Squat

  • 4 Mericans I/C

  • 44 Lunges

Set 7

  • 33 LBC’s

  • 3 Burpees

  • 33 sec Wall Squat

  • 3 Mericans I/C

  • 33 High Knees

Set 8

  • 22 LBC’s

  • 2 Burpees

  • 22 sec Plank

  • 2 Mericans I/C

  • 22 High Knees

Set 9

  • 2 mins Bridge

  • 2 x 60 Sec Side Planks L & R


  • FNG today was Trevor Cook. Trevor lives in Riverbend, went to school at the alma mater school of Christian Okoye (i.e., the Nigerian Nightmare) of Azusa Pacific, is a California native, and has shown an ability to successfully rebuke any elders who happen to get out of line during bible study. Welcome Trevor!

  • For full disclosure, Q will readily admit that the 99 may not be the best workout for newcomers. Recall the last time did this workout with an FNG in attendance that we met at breakfast one weekend at Shuffletown Grille. He. Never. Returned.

  • There is not a lot of connectivity between workouts, but today’s theme of trimming ones bushes in order to maximize the size of your deck was a carryover from mumblechatter at Saturday’s workout

  • Potential confusion with Q’s spouse on how memes distributed that include crass messages in a pre-blast align with the 3rd F. It’s complicated.

  • Unofficial scoring of the 99 exercises included a total of 484 LBC’s, 319 High Knees, 165 Lunges, 165 SSH’s, 319 seconds of wall squat, 225 seconds of planking

  • I need you on that wall….

  • Hard for Pax to decipher whether 911 set a timer in order to leave at a prearranged time, or he just triggered sound on his phone in order to make a quick getaway. Well played

  • Wait for the arm shake on the side plank

  • Conspiracy theory shared that all this MILF3 workout proliferation with additional mornings being added is just a means to pad workout participation stats on the F3LakeNorman website

  • So how’s that MILF3 shirt coming along?

  • Text received by Q after the workout after appropriately summed up the strong focus on legs today. “Waddle different today”

  • We went a little late, but we got it all nine of the 99 sets in for the first time Q was running it

  • It's both an honor and a privilege. Great work men!