Got through it, can’t say much else

Event Date

Jun 11, 2024

10 PAX joined for a beautiful morning at PAINinsula.  Lone star was 1 minute later than usual leading to multiple disclaimers whilst YHC was still delirious. 


YHC’s 5 year old showed up in bed at 1:30 am ready to fight for territory and the battled continued until just about launch.  YHC lost 4 of 5 rounds. Thankfully signing up for the Q prevented a fartsack. On to the workout



SSH x 25 IC

IST x 10 IC

Toy soldiers x 10 IC

Fast windmill x 10 IC

Hamstring stretches

Karaoke shuffle to atrium or whatever where the planters are



10 step ups each leg OYO

13 incline merkins IC

peoples chair w/ air press x 20 (Lone star fell asleep during a live exercise)

dips ic x 10

repeato whole circuit

MOSEY to rock pile (the one by the fire station)

various exercises performed, mostly a dozen reps IC and moved around the rock circle,  they included

lo/hi/full curls, shoulder press

squat pulses, bent over row

skull crushers, lo curl, hi curl

on your six, chest press, lo flutter, windshield wipers

 full curls, shoulder press

MOSEY for pledge then to mini horseshoe for DORA

100 merkins, 200 CDDs, 300 squats,  everybody one extra lap and back to base


freddie merc, crunchy frog, LBCs, rosalita,  maybe something else.


Prayers for Oyster’s sister in her heart procedure today.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead on this beautiful morning.  Horseshoe next week!