Gotta go with the Portico

What we did:

Warm up with side straddle, ISTs, Windmill, Arm Cirlces, Mountain Climbers, Merkins.

The Thang:

Jog about 100 yards, 4 burpees, jog back to portico

Partner up with someone with the same weight kettle bell.  AMRAP workout

Partner 1 runs 100 yards does 4 burpees, run back while other partner does exercises, switch and repeat for 10 exercises:

Squats (1 or 2 bells), Shoulder circles (2 bells), Merkins (on 2 bells), Curls (2 bells), Single leg deadlifts, Chest press (2 bells), Clean and press (1 or 2 bells), Skull crusher, Bent over Row, choose Lawn mower/more chest press

Plank til everyone is done then Mary: W with bell, Homer to Marge w/Bell,6 burpees, Jack Knife LBC


It amazes me how often it stops raining between 5:30-6:15.  It was pouring at 5 and pretty much stocked til 6:30.  We still used the portico so no one melted.  Not many opted for the double bells on the exercises but nice work to those who did.  Kudos to R2D2 from Davis Lake area for showing at DS two weeks in a row.   We just need Grace Covenant to be listed on the exit sign for him.  Fun times today, appreciate everyone showing, a few appreciated