Gotta have them Coups

Event Date

Jul 21, 2017

YHC REALLY enjoys Kettlebells, so it makes him so happy to see eager PAX ready to get at it when he pulls into the AO.

It makes him even happier when they groan and moan when he opens the hatch for them to unload the multitude of heavy things we are about to carry.




Warmup-In honor of National Junk Food Day, tried to add a little flavor(SWIDT) to the exercises.

ATM's(Gotta get some cash for the candy store)-Includes 15 shoulder taps(IC), 10 slow count Merkins, and 10 fast count merkins

10 Clurpees(Cause they sound like Slurpee) (OYO)-Burpee w/ clap

"Fun" Dips X 20(IC) on the stairs-Think it was here that the PAX realized there would be no warmup today.  

10 Hurpees (OYO)- Hand release burpee

Moon "Pie" Gods X 10(IC) each side

10 Bellpees (OYO)-Burpee w/ Kettlebell

The Thang

Head down to the field.  Grab a partner and choose a bell of your liking for the team.  A marker was set up ~25 yards away.

P1 performs said Excercise while P2 grabs one of the additional coupons and carries it to marker and back…then Flapjack til the reps are done.

Coupons-Rucksack(35 lbs), 8"x8"x4(~40 lbs), bucket o' sand(~50 lbs), M's grandma's dinner bell(~50 lbs).  The goal being you take a different one each trip.

100 Slingshots(change direction at 50)

100 Halos(change direction at 50)

100 Alternating hand swings

100 Goblet Squats

10 count and grab some water…PAX expected repeato but not today

Same process as before, but added in Bertha(40 lb KB) as a Coupon

100 Rows(change arms at 50)

100 Cleans(change arms at 50)

100 Bob and Weave

Back to the Launchpad for MARY

"Chocolate" Pretzel Sticks X 10(IC) each side

"Fig" Newton Cradles X 10(IC) 

Dancing "Gummy" Bears X 10(IC)


Ezekiel 40:44

"And from the outside to the inner gate were chambers for the singers in the inner court."

There's always a reason a verse comes out at you, and this one was fitting being YHC lost his great aunt this week.  She blessed her church with her singing for 83 years.  We all have a talent that HE gifted us with.  Are we using it to the fullest?


Pray it out

Mumble Chatter

-Felt a little peppy this morning so tried to get something out there to get at it.  45 mins flew by so #TimeFliesWhenYou'reHavingFun

-Good to have Beefcake out there this morning.  Welcome to the best AO this side of Lake Norman brother.  You killed it out there!  

-Realized after a week of trying to get Spork rucking again, I basically forced him to do so this morning.  Sorry/NotSorry

-Zippy still keeping the tank effort alive with YHC.  Do you think we're scaring them off with the Gunz?

-Boone and Stitches out there just chatting along.  I think this warrants the purchase of some heavier KB's for those two.  #OuttaMyLeague


Such a pleasure to be a part of this.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead,

