Gotta Love that Quadraphila

Event Date

Aug 27, 2020

Also in attendance- McBeal and TIger King 

A little Q confusion but the gloom was calling. FGF, ill prepared but eager, stepped up to the plate. Extra wheels off but hey what workout by FGF is not? Tiger King and Can of Corn got to experience Quadraphilia for the first time and man was it good. The other good from this workout, after a little EHing for some more Q's, McBeal is on tap for his Virgin Q in September, SCHWING!!!!! All I keep wondering is when are we going to see Vegemite, Burgundy, Chicken Noodle and Barbarino again? Soon I hope.


SSH, IST, Hill Billie’s, Windmills, Cotton Pickers, Merkins, Lunge stretches, Runners stretch.

The Thang

Mosey to Justin Michael Pl. for a little Quarraphilia- backwards up the hill squats then back down for monkey humpers

Mosey to Pusher's to grab the pavers (thanks Pusher). Submarine lunges and walking curls to the green left of the clubhouse. Paver workout- curls, overhead press, bent over rows, good mornings, chest press, lat pullover, etc. Followed by bird dogs and fire hydrants, LBC's, etc. 

Walking curls and walking over head back to Pushers to drop off the pavers. 

Finished with 10 toe touch Merkins OYO.


Prayer for kids in college to be safe to help reduce the spread of C-19. Shout outs for IronPax starting this week downtown on Fridays and the Davidson F3 run on 10/24- pick your distance up to a marathon baby! 

Love the relationships from F3, getting to see you guys on the regular, and thank you for the opportunity to lead. 
