GPS Patterns at The Estate

Event Date

Oct 13, 2018

See map of workout here to better understand the workout title:

Your humble correspondent (YHC) had not Q'd an Estate workout in quite some time (actually, I had not Q'd any boot camp workout in a while) so I literally pulled an old Weinke off the shelf and made a hopefull assumption that I could complete it without clipboarding. I've spend most of the last two years training for marathons so I had reason to be worried.

Lots of pax in the parking lot when I arrived. Some finishing Excelsior and some starting a 10K team training run for the Tuna Relay next week (Black Eyed Pea, Snake Eyes, Tantrum, Jaws, The Force and Freedom).  Hoodie ran Excelsior and stayed for the double down…he's a beast. Sponge Bob showed up with a 45 lb ruck…determined to own GORUCK Selection next year.

Here's how it went down:


Side Straddle Hop x 20 IC

Imperial Storm Trooper x 20 IC

Carrot Pullers x 20 IC

Apollo Onos x 10 IC



One lap around the lower tier soccer fields and up to the bus lot


Start in the middle (9th parking spot) and then go out and back to each of the "12 hours of the clock" with the following exercises (15 reps in cadence) at each hour:

01:00 – Mountain Climbers

02:00 – Little Baby Crunches

03:00 – Burpees

04:00 – Squats

05:00 – Side Straddle Hops

06:00 – 'Mericans

07:00 – Reverse Lunges

08:00 –  Plank Jacks

09:00 – Freddie Mercury

10:00 – Mason Twists

11:00 – Carolina Dry Docks

12:00 – Line Hops (x 20 IC becase they were fun to do)

Mosey down to cinder blocks


Curl Medley – 10 reps IC of each Low / High / Full curls

Block Web to 5

Protractor for 60 seconds – 10 at 30°, 10 at 60°, 20 at 90°, 10 at 60°, 10 at 30°

Curl Medley – 5 reps IC of each Low / High / Full curls

Block Web to 3

Protractor for 50 seconds – 10 at 30°, 10 at 60°, 10 at 90°, 10 at 60°, 10 at 30°


2 rounds of 6 reps IC of each 'Merican/Squat/LBC


Homer to Marge for 60 seconds

Rosalita x 15 IC

Boxcutters x 10 IC




  • I needed reminders from the Pax on how to do a Plank Jack and Jack Webb (it's been a long time)
  • Elmers' form on squats was a perfect simulation of the Japanese bow of respect  (Saikeirei)
  • Rock Lobsta's presence was appreciated – he redirected his workout to The Estate this morning after scannin the Twitter preblasts
  • Sponge Bob is a beast, doing all exercises with a 45lb ruck. Stay healthy bro!
  • Strong double down from Hoodie. He almost wore his hoodie this morning but it was about 10 degrees too warm for it.
  • Good to finally do a workout with 98 degrees. I met him for the first time at the Grease Monkey a few weeks ago. He notice my F3 shirt and told him I was once the master Q at The Estate. He looked skeptical so I was able to validate my claim this morning and also got to learn how he got his name. Show to know next time…