Grab 2 Blocks at Fallout

We turn the clocks ahead soon, which means Spring is almost here, which means "Suns out, Guns out", which means arm work.  16 mighty PAX agreed.  Here is their story:

04:45:  5 for a Ruck Standard:  66, El Chapo, Landshark, Spare, and TBone.

05:00:  3 for a 2.2 mile Run Standard:  9 Lives, Frogger, and YHC.

05:30:  Gather up.  Mosey around the parking lot, mixing in some high knees and butt kickers.

Quick Disclaimer.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC (Down for 3, up on 4)
  • Little Baby Arm Circles
  • Seal Claps

The Thang:

1 lap around the track to get the heart rate up.

Everyone grabs 2 blocks, 1 full sized cinder block (thanks Landshark for the collection) and 1 half cinder block (thanks Freedom), mosey to area near benches.  We were 1 full sized cinder block short, until…Landshark to the rescue with one from his truck!

Round 1:

  • Full curl with large block x 15 IC
  • Skull crushers with large block x 15 IC
  • Mason Twists with small block x 15 IC
  • Hold large block overhead by the fat end of the middle with right arm (stolen from Uncle Rico), hold small block with left arm held in half curl position x 45 seconds (to be fair, Uncle Rico did this for 90 seconds at Samson.  But, YHC accidentally dropped the block…#scrawnyguyproblems)
  • Dips on bench x 15 IC
  • WW2 sit-ups with small block x 15 OYO
  • Run a fast lap around track and return to blocks

 Round 2:

  • Shoulder presses with large block x 15 IC
  • Full curl with large block x 15 IC
  • Mason Twists with small block x 20 IC
  • Hold large block overhead by the fat end with left arm, hold small block with right arm held in half curl position x 45 seconds
  • Low Flutters with small block held up x 15 IC

Round 3:

  • Mosey to the nearest goalpost
  • Sprint to other goal line (110 yards)
  • 100 yards of suck as follows:
  • Bear walk crawl (you knew what I meant!) from end zone to 20 yard line
  • Crab walk from 20 to 40
  • Crawl bear from 40 to 40
  • Walk crab from 40 to 20
  • Lunge walk from 20 to goalpost, mosey back to blocks

Round 4:

  • Full curl with large block x 15 IC
  • Carry large block overhead, return it to block pile (and neatly stack them please!)
  • Full curl with remaining (small) block x 20 IC
  • Carry small block overhead, return it to block pile

Round 5 – Mary:

  • Circle up around my car for Mary, with Led Zeppelin’s "For Your Life" (great song, and apparently never played live by the entire band, i.e. while John Bonham was still alive) playing in the background, for:
  • Plank, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up, JLOs x 15 IC
  • Mason Twists x 15 IC
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • LBCs x 30 IC
  • More Plank!  ~90 seconds

Recover, recover.  Distance travelled was 1.32 miles according to my Garmin.

Jacked Arms Moleskin:

  • Awesome to see The Force and Frogger healing up from major injuries, and 66 and TBone from Quarter Ruck damage.  All were extrememly strong out there today.
  • Hasselhoff was WD, and a #beast as always.  Never complains, just works.
  • Marshmallow is another quiet assassin out there, just going to work.
  • El Chapo was WB, and our only "Hate Hate".  We don't really hate him, it's just an expression.
  • Sadly, no one could name "For Your Life" that was playing.  Guesses included: "Highway to Heaven" (no, that's not a typo) and "Communication Breakdown".  Someone asked if the song was 7 minutes long.  No, it's ~6:20 long, ha.
  • Professor takes "run a fast lap" very literally.  That's just what Incognitians do.  #BRR!
  • Thank you Landshark for the collection of cinder blocks at Fallout, and for coming to the rescue with one more today.  He also did curls on the walk from his truck so he didn't miss a rep.
  • Snake Eyes, a beast as always.  Was going to ask you to lead us in some painful exercise during Mary, but was afraid of a mutiny by that point.
  • Izzy and Candy are getting strong, and they frequent some of my favorite AOs!  (Titan, Fallout, Samson)  See you guys tomorrow at HalfLife??
  • Strong work by Sweet C, and he was kind enough to remind us of all the 2nd F events on the website.  Click "Announcements" to see more.
  • Rocket’s streak of never posting in less than 60 degree temperatures is still intact.  Lawn Dart and YHC do apply an appropriate amount of ball busting, but to no avail (yet).  If the person who EH’d you hasn’t posted in a while, you do whatever you have to in order to correct that.  You owe it to him.  I think he was traveling this week, so perhaps he gets a pass (this time).
  • Carpooled to F3isFive with Ramrod and Spare.  Awesome event.  Spare's wife is in FIA, and her FIA name is Strike.  That's got to be one of the coolest pairing of names! 
  • Great 2nd F run with Frogger and 9 Lives.  Frogger is getting his run swagger back, and we got to hear all about the Quarter Ruck from 9 Lives.
  • Thank you 66 for the opportunity to lead today, always an honor.
  • 9 Lives took us out in the COT.  We lifted up Spare, his wife Strike (Gwen), and their families, as Strike's cousin recently passed away.

Have a great week gentlemen.