Grab a Lab Partner

11 PAX, including Carpet Bagger – who was a lone-wolf Standard participant – met at the DPK parking deck and this is what went down, and up….

Mosey to the front of DPK

Circle up in the field for Warm-o-rama

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 20 IC

Windmill x 20 IC

Mountain Climber x 20 IC (followed by some downward dog type calf stretching which was met with particulalrly positive feedback from Mayhem)

Short mosey to the wall on the corner

Incline Merican x 10 IC

Decline Merican x 10 IC

Mosey to the basement for THE THANG – everyone grab a lab partner

Because we had 11 – one group had three – the group of three included SPARE – how fitting

The workout/experiment seemed crystal clear in YHC's mind – but I had to repeat myself a few times to get everyone on board – in the end, we were somehow all aligned and got after it.

Partner 1 planks – Partner 2 bunny hops over the planker's legs 5 times

Partner 2 then runs up one ramp and back down, while Partner 1 does Mericans – AMRAP

FlapJack and repeato

This first round was followed in the same fashion by:

10 bunny hops – 2 decks – LBCs AMRAP

15 bunny hops – 3 decks – Squats AMRAP

10 bunny hops – 2 decks – People's Chair

5 bunny hops – 1 deck – Mericans AMRAP

After the ramp-o-rama we circled up in the basement for a Merican Time Bomb


Go find your partner

Partner 1 runs up the Ramps, Partner 2 runs up the steps and begins to descend the ramps

Wherever the two partners meet on the ramps – each performs 10 Burpees

Partner 1 then continues up the ramps and down the stairs, Partner 2 continues the descent of the ramps to the basement.

Once both partners were together in the basement – 10 Burpees each

FlipFlop FlapJack Repeato – switch courses – Partner 1 up the stairs, Partner 2 up the ramps

10 Burpees each once you meet up on the ramps

10 Burpees each in the basement

One more partner experiment

Partner 1 starts to bear crawl up the ramp, Partner 2 does 10 Jump Squats and then sprints to catch Partner 1.  Flip/Flop.  Continue this for about 5 mins.


Pretzel Crunch


Dying Cockroach



Remove your lab coats, return your bunsen burners to the supply closet and load your back-pack for first period.  Class is dismissed.


– War Daddy was Deep Dish (49), War Baby was Skywalker (14) 

– Great to work out with some new faces – to me.  It's good to shake things up a bit, it had been a few months since I had been to MadSci – what a fun AO, plenty to do.

– Thanks to Tweetsie for the opportunity to Q.  Glad we were able to work out the Master Q swap, and I know Hollywood was in good hands.  Thanks for your leadership.

– Carpet Bagger is doing great with his Home Inspection business.  Follow him on Twitter @inspection365 and his website  Really happy you've got something that you are passionate about brother.  Keep him in mind when the need arises.

–   I am continually reminded of the power of F3 – sometimes just by the shear number of people that I run into when I'm not a sweaty mess running around in the dark.  My family had been out of town and missed my 2.2's first few football practices.  When we showed up last night – we found out there were 2 F3 families on the team (Bama and On-Star) and several others in the league – including Scrappy, who was across the field from us.  It's a powerful thing that we are a part of – and I thank God that I have F3 in my life.

– Holiday