Grand Strand at Lake Norman

0500 – Popcorn and YHC run a 3-mile standard.

0530 – The pax gather and we mosey to the blocks. Disclaimer is given while pax get blocks


  • SSH x 30 IC

Toxic shows up about here with absolutely no hurry-up in his step. *dull*

  • Carrot Puller x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC

The Thang

Colt 45

  • Low curl x 15 IC
  • High curl x 15 IC
  • Full Curl x 15 IC

Run a lap

The Hightower

  • Burpees x 9 OYO
  • Burpee with Plank jack x 9 OYO
  • Triple Merkin Burpees – burpee with 3 hand release merkins x 9 OYO
  • Triple Jump Squat Burpees – burpee with 3 jump squats x 9 OYO
  • Burpee with 3 hand release merkins, plank jack, and 3 jump squats x 9 OYO

Run a lap

Block Things

  • Lunge Walk with Block in Rifle Carry x 25 OYO
  • Block windshield wipers x 10 IC
  • Low Dolly x 20 IC
  • Rifle Carry Lunge Walk x 25 OYO
  • Pull up x 10 OYO
  • OH Press x 15 IC

Bear crawl to other end of parking lane

  • Merkins x 15 IC

Bear crawl back

  • Skull crusher x 10 IC

Put back blocks

  • Slow Squat x 20 IC

Run back to cars

Mary By Committee

  • Low Flutter x 25 IC (Cherry Bomb)
  • Touch dem Heels x 15 IC (Frogger)
  • WWII Sits ups x 15 (Popcorn)
  • Hip Dips x 10 IC on each side (The Force)
  • Oblique Crunches x 10 IC each side (Carpet Bagger)

Recover. Recover.


  • As preblasted, pretty much all the exercises were pulled from YHC's posts at F3 Grand Strand.
  • Regarding The Hightower, this is a part of the workout based on Bible Verse: Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. So – 5 Exercises – 9 reps each. This is an absolutely brutal routine. As Rocket suggested, if you do it 3 times in a row it might as well be an IPC workout. Hmmm……wonder what Q would do that?
  • The Sword needs Qs – please sign up! Also everywhere needs Qs, please sign up!
  • Come on out to Dragon Slayer on Thursday for an IPC/IPC inspired workout. Every Thursday at GCC at 0530 from here until eternity.


Thanks for all who came out today. – CB