Grandpa Glenn’s ladder

Grandpa Glenn’s ladder


FKT continues to challenge. It challenges All comers. From the most fit to those looking to level up. It also tends to challenge HotBox’s  sense of direction and alarm clock.  And at times it challenges Don Ho’s blood pressure especially since the peloton core standard is now Woven in the fabric of the Fastest Know Time.


Does the morning get any better. Starting off with a 5 AM standard of 2 miles, yours truly with cherry bomb and Mr. Holland catching up, ran the 2 mile standard. We were then joined by popcorn and AOL for the 10 minute core standard. A few dissenters ran the 510 standard and we’re too soft to do core ( cough, Auto and Don Ho, cough).


By 530 we were met by a bounty of warriors.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear…

Crocs triumphantly exited a car ready for FKT mobility. Can you say, Regular!


Also to my delight, ramrod showed for some pain. Word on the street as he will kick your ass in an 80 yard sprint. He’s obviously built for speed, aesthetics, and manliness.


Swingstate, obviously bored with our workouts, brought young River to the dance. Oh yeah, he finished every part of the work out before me, pushing a one year-old in a stroller. They call that Jobe getting a swing state neutering.


Finally, as we were about to leave a text came in from the great HotBoxio. He said he was coming in Caliente. We came to find out this meant I’m gonna be 5 to 10 minutes late without a sense of direction.


We then ran to the Glenn’s. A beautiful retirement community on a hill. A hill that would get my heart rate up to 204. After the mile run to grandpa Glenn’s ladder, we did the thang.


An additive ladder:

-Loop followed by 10 Burpee‘s

-Loop followed by 10 Burpee‘s, 30 Mericans

-Loop followed by 10 Burpee’s, 30 mericans, one time up and down the hill

-Loop followed by 10 Burpee‘s, 30 Merkens, one time up and down the hill, 20 plank walks


Continue by decreasing one exercise per round.


I got through 5.  


So 50 burpees, 150 mericans, 3 hills, 20 plank walks!


Somewhere on the hill run a sweet old lady walking her dog named big River, he shall now be called Braveheart. The ladies dog was a savage 5 pound beast.


We then ran the mile back to the AO. And those that got back finished with approximately three minutes of Mary.


4 miles was hit.


Of note HotBox never found us, he went left when he should have gone right.  Word is is his work out was harder.  Next time he will need to come in frio maybe 10 minutes earlier!


Things to consider:


  1. Mr. Holland crushed us all. It wasn’t even close.
  2. HSB did great. Although crocs tried to limit his Burpee’s load, I do not believe he gave in to peer pressure.
  3. Crocs is now a regular at FKT. Step one: show up, the next step in your progression starts with a Burrrr and ends with a P.
  4. Pitstop made Don Ho jealous of his calves. I also think I may get him a magic eight ball. That way he can shake it for the answers to all of his questions during the work out.
  5. Squish mellow performed well today even though he’s so soft and cuddly. Can’t wait to see him next week at the core standard.
  6. You guys see how sexy CB looks, that’s all because of Olivia Amato core standards right there.
  7. Thank you Donny Ho for aggressively making me step my game up as always.
  8. Popcorn was quite as was Slingshot, was it fatigue? Or because a guy with a stroller was rolling us.
  9. Hoodie rolled in a little late, but the pidder padder of feet caught up with us.  Strong showing, his step count has to double mine.


As always, was awesome working hard with you guys. 


“Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”





Jobe (SoftServe)