
Some guys rucked, some ran, but all answered the call to come out and get a slap to the face in the morning gloom.  YHC arrived early to surveya new grassy knoll at our disposal.  Nice.  


The BRR team departed, the KB shoulder fest began.  Overhead bell carry to, and around, the fountain.   Shoulders began to see the shape of things to come.

COP  (all in cadence (IC) unless otherwise noted and embossed by a licensed notary public).

  • SSH X25
  • Toy Soldier X15
  • MC X15
  • Bench Squat X11  (this is a new one that forces not only quad burn, but fiery glutes as well)

Overhead carry for a long walk from the fountain to the grassy knoll – a long, manicured strip of plush fescue untouched by the feet of humans.  Sprinklered, fertilized, carefully mowed.  Someone has loved this stretch of grass.  And we love him for it.


Round 1

  • 10 KB swings, overhead carry to the end of the turf strip, one merkin.
  • Continue decreasing swings, increasing merkins, while overhead carrying approx 40 yards each way.

Round 2

  • 10 Mason Twists, run to end, one CDD
  • Continue in inverse order.  Did I mention it was shoulder day?
  • overhead carry back to launch


  • Hollow Hold (my new favorite – feet and shoulders six inches off ground, hold for 1 min)
  • J-Low X15
  • Elbow Plank 1 min
  • Recover, Recover


The Look Good Naked Man Moleskin

The Respects are fast and fierce.

Good crowd – whether you're doing a standard, pre-ruck, training for a CSAUP event, or just getting out to work hard with your friends, I'm proud of every man putting in the effort every day and helping each other.  Race City Strong.

Securing the flag post-Q is not in my muscle memory.  Special thanks to Plinko for performing a reconnaissance mission.

YHC's first Q in a long time – I missed it.  However I'm proud that so many have stepped up to fill leadership roles and done it admirably.  I'll be calling again on the PAX to take Q spots as the BRR draws near.  Please go to the Calendar link at the top of this page and sign up.  Also hit me up on Slack.
