Gravity, Momentum and Roxanne

Event Date

Jul 14, 2020


YHC ran up Bud Henderson all sad-clowney-like for the standard at 0500.I was worried that the rest of the morning would be similar, but luckily I had a good group to hold me accountable.Warm-Up run through the parking lot:Side ShuffleBackwardsRegularWarmorama:SSH x20icIST x10icWindmill x10icArm CirclesSlow Deep Squat x10icSlow Deep Merican x10icFind a parking space to call your own:Inchworm up the line to the curb. Side plank walk to the other line. Worminch back to the end of the line. Side plank walk to the next line.REPEATO x5 spaces (better make that 3).Mosey to the construction site…uh, better make that “to the parked cars.”Form 2 lines while I get my truck aligned with the hill. 2 pax in the bumpe. Push for 5 count, next pax in line swap in. Continue until the truck is up the hill.”Roxanne” (lots of Mericans and planking)To the “Ridge Wall:”One legged step ups x8ic Flip FlopOver and back x10Dips/Humpty Dumpty Crunchy Frog x10ic, x8ic, x6ic, x4ic, x2icTo the bottom of the lot for sprints x6MARY:LBC x10icPretzel Crunch x10ic ea. sideLow Flutter x25icHeels to Heaven x10icMOLESKIN:-Kinda glad I was the only one at the standard. I had a workout to plan.-The Titan is mightier than the Tribute. Once you get it going, you shouldn’t let it stop.-Little did the pax know, they were just moving the only Bluetooth speaker I brought with me.-Special thanks to Toxic for not letting my truck hit anything.-98 degrees is a beast at sprinting when he puts his body into it.-Snake Eyes looks like a hotstepper when he runs. Somehow his legs are way ahead of the rest of his body.