Gray Ghost takes over as Bailey Road Park MQ!

Event Date

Mar 26, 2022


9 PAX came out for some basketball at BRP as I handed over the keys to Gray Ghost!

0700: Rooter, Jersey Boy, Snake Eyes and I are the only four there so we scrap basketball and are about to just do your plain ole boring beatdown.

Quick mosey over to the basketball courts to see if anyone decided to park over there and during that run, AM-PM, Popcorn, and Hotbox drive in questioning why we parked by the soccer fields (cause thats where you park for BRP!)

Mosey back to launch so YHC could change shoes and grab my basketball and off to the courts.

After a little convincing, we all decided to play some safe basketball with the rules I've learned when I coached at The Fungo. Out of bounds are non paved ground, meaning just because it goes outside the lines is not out of bounds. Also no checks. These two simple rules mean a faster paced game and a lot more running!

A lot of missed layups, bad dribbling, bad passing, and a few made shots. A mid game break to pump up the basketballs thanks to Titans car pump. And thankfully no injuries (just a cramp from Snake Eyes? Hope you're all good!)

Teams got mixed and matched as we played but we ended with a next point wins at 0759 by Rooter!

Recover Recover


  • Thank you to those who came out or Q'd at BRP during my tenure. I learned a lot during this time and I feel that I grew a lot in my personal leadership and I thank all PAX of F3 for helping me grow.
  • Huge thank you to Jersey Boy and Waffle House. For most of 2020 and going into 2021 I wasn't attending F3 and they kept showing up and leading BRP. At times I know they'd be the only two there for multiple weeks but didn't leave each other behind. I appreciate you taking care of BRP during that time and always being reliable!
  • Thank you Gray Ghost for taking over as MQ! Gray Ghost took a Q at BRP a few weeks back and led it with a lot of energy and creativity. Jersey Boy put the idea in my head that I should consider asking GG to take over as MQ. Thought it was a good idea and just sat on it for a week. The following Saturday I couldn't be there, but I noticed that GG was there again so I reached out and asked if he'd be interested. Gray Ghost snatched it up and here we are. I'm really excited to see what Ghost brings to the original AO of Isotope!
    •  P.S. There may have been talk of a call to all Goat Busters to lead a Q at BRP now that one of your own is MQ