Great Idea Enron!

Event Date

Mar 09, 2023

0500 – Enron and YHC run ~3 miles.

0530 – We do a lap while we wait for AM-PM to arrive.

0532 – AM-PM arrives and throws down his kettlebell in disgust once he learns that it won’t be needed.

0533 – Disclaimer given – workout commences.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO
  • Hillbillies x 20 IC
  • Burpees x 4 OYO
  • Toy Soldier x 15 IC
  • Burpees x 3 OYO
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 2 OYO
  • Windmill x 5 IC
  • Burpee x 1 OYO

The Thang

  • Dead hang until the last pax drops (Ultraman won this with some serious grip strength)

Run to the far soccer field

  • Bear crawls and running. Started slow. Then the Q called down for crawls and up for runs. It was a gasser.

Run back to the workout center.

  • Merkins x 10 IC 
  • TRX Merkins x 10 IC
  • Pulse squats x 15 IC
  • Pull ups x 10 OYO

Mosey to the near soccer/lacrosse field.

  • Lunge walk across the field
  • Lunge walk back
  • Bear crawl across the field
  • Crawl bear back (thanks for the great idea Enron!)

Mosey to the hill on Verhoeff. Attempt to do 7s, but realize time is short. We did the hill twice and did jump squats at the bottom at the amount Enron prescribed.

Mosey back to the bars. 

  • Dead hang until 6:15

Recover. Recover.


  • Enron had all the great ideas today. Almost gave him Q credit.
  • Heely is self-conscious about how much more fit he is than us. Please be gentle – he’s a sensitive soul.
  • Ultraman can hang…literally. Get this man at a Spartan race and I guarantee he’d podium.
  • Stray showed up! Glad to have him there and help him with his pull up goal. Also he had a great idea of hosting QvQ here. TAKE THE HINT DONHO!
  • Mulligan confirmed he did not have the Q somewhere else this morning.
  • AM-PM was still bristling after his loss yesterday but managed to keep his cool around Mulligan. Also apparently Lowes coffee isn’t good enough for him. Starbucks snobs, am I right?!


Thanks to those who chose to come out this morning. It’s great to continue to explore the AO and show all it has to offer. Looking forward to seeing more guys come out in the coming weeks. Until next time – CB