Great late start to a New Year

Event Date

Jan 01, 2024

Rolled up to the clubhouse a little early (6:47) and saw a couple cars already there. Both Matlock and Auto were out separately but running nevertheless. 

Others showed but we all kept asking “where’s Toby?” He rolled in at 7:01 and quickly caught up.

Warm up

15 SSH IC, 10 Toy Soldier IC, 10 Carrot puller, 10 windmill, and some arm circles. 

Got some blocks and got started.

10 overhead press IC, 10 squats IC, 10 Merkins IC then run a lap followed by 1 minute plank

10 curls IC, 10 bent over rows IC, 10 Incline Merkins using block followed by lap and 25 LBC’s OYO

10 chest press IC, 10 Skull crusher IC, 10 decline Merkins followed by lap and 10 V ups

Mosey to pull up bars for 10 (with partner assistance if needed) 

Benches 10 step ups each leg followed by 10 dips IC

Repeato from the top

One final set of chest press 30 OYO and put the blocks back

Recover Recover

Great group to see on the first day of a new year. Looks like some are committing early to their continued fitness. Honestly we all talked about how much we had eaten and drank over the holidays so we could start fresh with some big weight losses to begin the year. 

Coffeteria had some great discussions about workout totals for the year. New goals and strategies for making some positive changes for this year. It’s always encouraging to be with others who want to get better, not just in better shape but actually be better people. 

As someone who moved to this area not knowing anyone, F3 has been such a lifeline for finding people who challenge me and help me grow. Plus they are just a great group of guys. I was talking with my M the other day and said…I’m a F3er for life! Until my body won’t allow it, but I’ve seen a few guys 70+ out there so I have some time. So you all can get used to seeing more of good ole Tammy Faye