Great Things Come In #’3’s

Event Date

Apr 05, 2017

Warm Up


30 MC IC

30 ST IC


Sprint to top of the parking lot, Mosey Back X3

3 Minutes of burpees

Meat Grinder (5 Pull Ups, 5 Box Jumps, 100 Yard farmers carry with blocks, Plank) X3

Return Blocks

Mosey to baseball feild area, Mosey to bottom of hill backward run up X3

Mosey to bleachers, Box jumps up, 10 Calve raises, 3 merkins on each step on the way down X3

300 Meters (High knees, shuffle right, shuffle left)

3 Minutes on the wall (wall sit, balls to wall, wall sit)



30 LF IC

10 FM (Ran out of time)



Congrats to mustang on their 3 year anniversary and to all those PAX who helped keep it going. It's hard work to climb out of bed every morning and be there but you do it not only for yourself but because you know there are other men out there counting on you to show up. Persistence has paid off. Sticking with the three theme and getting into faith:

-Noah had three sons

– Job had three daughters

– The Ark of the Covenant contained three sacred objects

-Solomon’s Palace of the Forest of Lebanon was designed with windows “placed high in sets of three facing each other

– David “bowed down before Jonathan three times, with his face to the ground”

– Daniel regularly prayed three times a day giving thanks to God

-Israelite men were required to appear before the Lord three times in a year

-Paul experienced three shipwrecks

-The fleeing Hebrews went three days without finding water in the Desert of Shur

Tired of 3 yet. I bet so. Good day gentlemen.