Not on the site: Quiet Riot

QvQ master official Scrappy started off the competition!

DonHo delivered a tiny little KB for Omega.  Opted not to use it!

Omega was dressed in Hawaiian attire in honor of DonHo

Warm up: SSH 20X, Windmill 15x, IST 15X, Pledge

The Thang:

Zamporini to playground area

Partner up: Partner 1 KB lawnmowers 10 each side, partner 2 run, flip flop, heels to heaven 10x

Allen Iverson (walking lunge figure 8) to the area behind the school

Partner 1 KB skull crushers 15, partner 2 dips 15, flip flop, W 15x

Zamporini to the parking side parking lot

Partner 1 KB shoulder press 20, partner 2 scorpion drydocks 20, flip flop freddy mercury 20x

Allen Iverson to front of parking lot

Partner 1 kb chest press with low flutter 25, partner 2 merkins 25, flip flop lbc 25x

Zamporini to the front of the school

Partner 1 kb curls 30, partner 2 run lap around the circle, flip flip, mobility min downward dog into pidegeon

Around the work back to the starting parking lot

Up next DonHo started with 50 burpee to honor the 50 mile run of the Goatbusters.  Many BS calls on the 50 burpees which may have lost some votes for DonHo

partner back up, line up at parking spaces

partner 1 kb thrusters, partner 2 run 2 parking spaces back and forth 8 times, flip flop

partner 1 kb shoulder press, partner 2 run 6 times, flip flip

partner 1 kb swing, partner 2 run 4 times, flip flop

partner 1 kb curl, partner 2 run 2 times, flip flop

DonHo also honored Gnarly Goat with merkins 10x every time the timer went off

He also honored Hippie and I think Moses also

He also honored Cally with Grammama (spelling?)  3 mins abs/ 3 min plank, flip flop

I think DonHo added another exercises or so but cant remember because my abs were on fire.

DonHo was smart and honored  many of my OG’s to show respect and go after some votes but not enough to hold of the back to back repeat win by Omega after a super close 1 vote victory!

Thanks to Cally for taking us out in prayer!  Thanks to Scrappy for putting together the QvQ competition. 

Make sure to keep coming out, visit other AO’s, step up to Q & master Q, and bring out some new FNG’s to spread the awesome brotherhood of F3!!!!