Green Pastures…

Event Date

Jun 11, 2020


8 PAX strong were seemingly doused in a soup-like cloud of steamed air that surrounded us like MaTOR wrapped up cousy-like in his pink camo Snuggly. Missed those PAX that were snuggled up elsewhere.


  • SSH – 25 IC
  • Mountain Climbers – 25 IC
  • Grandma MaTORS – 10 IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers – 10 IC
  • Windmills – 10 IC

The Thang:

?Mosey to the back playground, find a block…

  • Block Curls For Girls – 20 IC
  • Block Skull Crushers – 20 IC
  • Block Rows – 20 IC
  • Block Press – 20 IC

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…

  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO
  • Commi-Biatchs: Left – 25 IC
  • Commi-Biatchs: Right – 25 IC
  • Glute/Bridge/Pulse – 25 IC

?Mosey to the back playground, find your block…

  • Block Curls For Girls – 20 IC
  • Block Skull Crushers – 20 IC
  • Block Rows – 20 IC
  • Block Press – 20 IC

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…

  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO
  • Commi-Biatchs: Left – 25 IC
  • Commi-Biatchs: Right – 25 IC
  • Glute/Bridge/Pulse – 25 IC

?Mosey to the back playground, find your block…

  • Block Curls For Girls – 20 IC
  • Block Skull Crushers – 20 IC
  • Block Rows – 20 IC
  • Block Press – 20 IC

Mosey to the parking lot, find a happy spot…

  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO
  • Commi-Biatchs: Left – 25 IC
  • Commi-Biatchs: Right – 25 IC
  • Glute/Bridge/Pulse – 25 IC


Hidden throughout…


3 to 4 sets of 30 to 50 Merkins every other dayish…


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.

Psalm 23:1-2 ESV:

What's better than green pastures?


– Typical 5:32am SVU go-time, but in full disclosure it wasn't my fault this time…

– FNG's are killing it. FNG-1: Crabby Paddy & FNG-2: Bull Frog…

– Strudel has MaTOR worried… Where was Strudel?

– Good group of 8, mostly wholesome chatter… Thank you for posting w/ me…

– Continued thoughts & prayers for all of the PAX, their families, their friends, their neighbors, & their coworkers…

My Best,
