Greenway Madness

A fine looking group of 18 men started their day at Fission. 


The Thang:

x = in cadence


Warm up run around the block:

SSH x 20

LBC x 20

Wind Mill x 10

Merkin x 10

Curb Merkin (left arm) x 7

Curb Merkin (right arm) x 7

Rosalita x 15



Run to greenway entrance:

No. of reps equal to the last two digits of the year you started F3, e.g. I started in 2011 so I do 11 reps of:


Carolina Dry Dock

Diamond Merkin

Jump Squat

Wide Merkin

Al Gore between each set.



Run to LONG bridge on the greenway:

Cackalacka Choo Choo all the way across the bridge.  We cycled through about 4 times.



Run back to greenway entrance:

No. of reps equal to 25 minus the last two digits of the year you started F3, e.g. I started in 2011 so I do 14 reps of:


Carolina Dry Dock

Diamond Merkin

Jump Squat

Wide Merkin

Al Gore between each set.


Lunge walk to catch our breath.



Run to Mounty’s Hill:

Three times up the hill backwards with 4 burpees at the top each time.



Run to the corner:

Low Flutter x 20

Low Dolly x 20



Run back home

Partner Leg Throw Downs – 20

Plank for 30 seconds

Recover, Recover



  1. Geek only sleeps 5 hours per night and then gets to the Standard.  Impressive??  Except when he sleeps through all of his alarms and wakes up his wife.
  2. I thought we were never going to get to the end of the bridge during Cackalacka Choo Choo but I was determined to not stop short.
  3. Is it weird to say it’s not weird as we’re in Al Gore position and make room for two runners to go through our gauntlet on the greenway?  Consensus is “Yes”.
  4. Jersey Boy didn’t know what Cackalacka Choo Choo is??  We have failed as a PAX if he hasn’t been taught that yet.
  5. Me to Soprano after our second stop at the greenway entrance: “I’m tired”.  Soprano: “That makes all of us.”
  6. I’m just not in as great of shape as I was a few years ago – mostly because of my own laziness.  When I try to deliver a beatdown that would have been hard but not completely draining a few years ago, I struggle.  Only thing to cure that is hard work.
  7. Bagboy was hyping the Basin Run.  Sounds like fun but I have another commitment that weekend.
  8. Hollywood bestowed the name of Bones on Chris for his second post.  Welcome!