Grievances Aired, Acknowledged, and Noted

Event Date

Jan 09, 2025


8 men avoided burpees this morning by taking advantage of Jersey Boy’s well organized cliff notes. JB secretly shared the Cain Center trivia homework assignment and secretly passed them out during the workout. Brilliant! Frontier and Blackbeard pretended that they memorized the answers the night before but it was later revealed that Jersey Boy spent hours researching the answers ahead of time. Great Job JB but isn’t that like cheating on someones test during final exams?

Extremely heavy mumble chatter and wining (#DBAP) most of the workout beginning with more than one complaint about begin in a very windy but very familiar location for the warm-a-rama. If we want to avoid very windy locations, we could have chosen to go right to Dunkin’ in the coziness of a coffee shot. but we all made a conscience decision to come out in 20 degree temps at 530 in the morning. Besides YHC only knows One person that controls the wind. YHC reminded the PAX of the devastation happening in CA to put things in the proper perspective

FNG-1 Visiting OshKosh from Nepal – thanks for joining us brothers. I did not catch his name but he said he’s 37. He’s here for 1 month so hopefully we will see him back!

Focus today was more “Pain at the Cain” using the hill that runs in front of the building. Ladders of squats at the bottom in descending ladders (10,8,6,4,2) and ladders of dips at the top of the hill in ascending ladder (2,4,6,8,10) were alternated to keep the PAX moving and staying warm. Canuck demonstrated his preferred method of squats where there is a slight pause at the bottom. YHC gave a shout out to our Mall Walkers for choosing to be with us at Fission and called out a brisk walk up the hill before ending with MARY.

Shameless footwear plug – heard some light pushback this morning about running up and down a fairly steep grassy knoll this morning. Yes, if you do this in running shoes there is a risk of slipping. Highly recommend trail running shoes for boot camp workouts as they provided a little more lateral support and are much grippier than shoes specifically designed for running.

One of the PAX provided strong feedback about his concern that the 6 (those towards the back) was not properly kept in sight and accounted for towards the end of the workout. Noted and this raises a subject that we all need to keep in mind, especially the veteran ‘Topes. On more than one occasion throughout the 13+ year span of Isotope, there have been men that have experienced life threatening incidents at workouts but a fellow PAX was there to offer assistance. Safety sometimes gets compromised when there’s a large group so let’s all keep that top of mind, especially when you’re leading a workout.

PAX closed in prayer and enjoyed some 2nd F at Dunkin’

Great being among a bunch of men that chose to get up early and get moving in uncomfortable conditions!

Humbly in Christ, Possum
