Grip Tested, Pinky Approved

Event Date

Jun 22, 2023


5 at Cobalt this morning. Perfect weather and temps for a summertime workout. 


SSH X 10 IC, Windmills X 13 IC (Led by G-RIP….still with fantastic form), Cherry Pickers X 10 IC.

Main Event

Run from clubhouse to boat launch at up to boat launch entrance. Launch from top with 10 X merkins. Run to clubhouse for 10 X dips, 10 X abs of choice. Run to bottom of boat launch for 10 X squats. Run back up the (long and steep) hill to top of boat launch. Repeat with descending reps….9, 8, 7, 6.

Gazebo set: 15 X derkins OYO, 15 X leg lifts IC, 15 X dips OYO, 15 X crunchy frogs IC, 15 X derkins OYO, 15 X LBC’s IC, 15 X dips OYO, 15 X leg lifts IC, 10 X diamond derkins OYO, 15 X crunchy frogs IC, 15 X dips OYO.

Run back to clubhouse to bottom of parking lot for 25 LBC’s OYO, Run to clubhouse entrance for 15 X crunchy frogs OYO. Run back to cars for COT.

> 3 miles running.


  • Grip back from a two-week hiatus from his favorite F3 workout. Life sometimes gets in the way. Sounds like a sweet trip out west with the family…..horseback riding, salt flats, caribou birthing, a$$less chaps (????), chafing……..doesn’t get much better.
  • Heard at the workout this morning…….”This is the best summer of my lifetime”. Agree with that Germanator. 
  • Deja Vu for Pinky this morning. Headlight out on the Buick. Last time the effort to fix at home resulted in a tow truck and need to bring in the pro’s. 
  • Good luck next week, Pinky. Get it done in Iowa. Who knew flights to Iowa are overselling these days??
  • Toro (aka Captain Crunch) putting a beating on the workout. Lost the rain jacket fairly quickly this morning…..lower temps but that humidity will get you.
  • EC for Germanator and Toro for getting to workout on foot.
  • Thanks to Pinky for taking us out….very well said. 
  • Great start to the Thursday fellas.