Grouch started it

Additional PAX: Mr. Miyagi, STP, Overboard, Rogue (17 strong)

Warm up at Davidson College track due to Christmas in Davidson

15 SSH (IC)


The Thang

Stadium Burpees

1/2 PAX start at section 101 and 1/2 PAX start at section 110, snake each section and do burpees at the bottom of each section corresponding to last two digits of each section (55 burpees total)

1/2 PAX do sections: 101, 110, 102, 109, 103, 108, 104, 107, 105, 106

1/2 PAX do sections:  110, 101, 109, 102, 108, 103, 107, 104, 106, 105

Walk to southeast corner of track to goal line.

Burpee Suicides (55 burpees total)

Run to south 10 yard line, 1 burpee, run back to south goal line

Run to north goal line, 10 burpees, run back to south goal line

Run to south 20 yard line, 2 burpees, run back to south goal line

Run to north 10 yard line, 9 burpees, run back to south goal line

20 LBCs (IC)

Run to north 20 yard line, 8 burpees, run back to south goal line

Run to south 30 yard line, 3 burpees, run back to south goal line

20 LBCs (IC)

Run to south 40 yard line, 4 burpees, run back to south goal line

Run to north 30 yard line, 7 burpees, run back to south goal line

20 LBCs (IC)

Run to north 40 yard line, 6 burpees, run back to south goal line

Run to 50 yard line, 5 burpees, run back to south goal line

Mosey back to west side 50 yard line – 8 burpees for PAX showing up late

Run to parking lot:  recover recover 6 minutes early – enjoy cold PBRs in parking lot


Is December national burpee month? Grouch got the party started Tuesday with 82, an additional 118 Thursday for 200 total at the Sweatshop for December week 1.  Hawkeye, you're next.

YHC doesnt get to partake in many second Fs, so brought the workout to an end early and brought the second F to the PAX for a Christmas in Davidson tailgate

F3 higher ups checking in on the Sweatshop by sending P'Diddy to make sure we were following the bylaws.  Nice to see a new face
