Ground Hog day at Hollywood

On a sticky humid morning 15 men and Bailey decided to follow questionable leadership, and this is how it went down.

Holiday, Deepdish, MacBeth, and Myself started with a 2 mile standard..Great work.

Mosey to the parking lot to get loose.

15 Cotton Pickers IC-There is a reason for the starting with this!


15 Mountain Climbers IC

Downward dog-To stretch the calves..We would need it with whats next!

Soprano called the next exercise… SSH 100 IC The PAX did not appreciate and there was cadence which resembled the Goat at around #80.  The Q figured he would call 50, but we all know he is an overachiever!

Mosey to front of the theater, where we did the Black Snake (Indian run with spacing, and would run in between each PAX until arriving to the front of the line).  We missed our turn so we eventually did a jail break to the rock pile.

Grab a non-traveling rock and meet in the parking lot.

Circle- and put the rock down.

Partner Up: Partner 1 does the exercise, while the other runs to the next block and back.

50 Burpies combined

100 Merkins Combined

100 Pollo OHHHHHno's combined

Geek is scratching his head as to why we grabbed rocks.  Those nerds are so

Plank it out

Grab your rock:

10 L Curls IC

10 H Curls IC

10 Full Curls IC

10 Bed over rows IC

20 Chest Press IC

10 Skull Crusher IC

Switch rock with your partner and repeato

Move 3 rocks to your right

15 Rock Squats IC

Put the rocks back and mosey for some Mary.

30 Low Flutter IC

30 Dying CR IC


One minute left and I called for a plank. Soprano looked at me with a smerk…and I called for some…

Slow Merkins 10 IC



-It was great to see Lonestar, I swear my 13 year old looks older.

-At one point Kingfish threatened Goat and Myself not to pass him.  He put on beast mode and made sure it didnt happen. #Strong

-Lots of strong respect in the house this morning-Deepdish, Kingfish,Tiramisu

-Lots of goat impersonation with the cadence this morning…especially when he moved 3 rocks to the right thanks to Soprano.

-MacBeth may think again before picking his partner, as that was no rock it was a boulder.

-Be on the look out for Jug a lug, as there were mumblings of it coming soon.  Go get your water jugs!

-Thanks to Aussie for taking us out, always great stuff!

-Thanks to Holiday for the opportunity to lead, and Im totally grateful for F3 and all the PAX.  It great to see the group to continue to better themselves!

-Landline out-