GrOuP oF MeN mAsSaCrEd By bLoCks

This BB brought to you by sensationalist news. FNG-1 is first timer Steve. 

MeRciLeSs Warmarama

  • 20X SSH IC
  • 11X Carrot Pullers IC
  • 5X Slooooow windmill IC
  • MeN wErE CrYiNg oUt BeGgiNg fOr MeRcY
  • You won’t believe what happened next…

NeAr DeAtH Thang

Grab a block and partner up

1st circuit

  • PAX 1 Bear crawl 30 yds and run back / PAX 2 Block Shoulder Press AMRAP….then switch
  • PAX 1 Farmer Shrug 30 yds round trip / PAX 2 Merkins AMRAP…then switch
  • Run a lap and straight into 10 pull ups

MeNs ShOuLdErS EXPLODED oUt of SocKeTs and bLoCkS bLuDgEoNeD mEnS sKuLLs

2nd Circuit

  • PAX 1 Block lunge walk 30 yds round trip / PAX 2 Block Squat AMRAP….then switch
  • PAX 1 Bear crawl 30 yds round trip / PAX 2 Lawn mower AMRAP…then switch
  • Run a lap and straight into 10 pull ups

This circuit was ROCKED by scandal as more PAX realized the necessity of gloves, which the Q had not warned them about. It will forever be known using the super original scandal name GLOVE-gate.

Repeato 1st Circuit and then…

  • Shoulder press skull crushers 10X IC
  • Squat curl 10X IC
  • Shoulder press skull crushers 10X IC
  • Squat curl 10X IC

Polls show that compound exercises add centuries to your life and make you a 10X better lover; poll sampling size = 1 (Carpet Bagger)

Crocs leads mobility moment

5 Mary Exercises Every North Carolinian Should Know About

  • Plank Challenge: Without breaks in between… plank, mountain climber, side plank, hip dip, plank, other side plank and hip dip, walk the plank
  • Touch them toes (Titan)
  • Box cutters (Frontier)
  • LBCs (Nacho)
  • I think Happy Gilmore had one too

If you read just one Moleskin…

  • Awesome to see FNG Steve out this morning crushing it at 57 yrs young.
  • Great efforts by all PAX this morning!
  • Fartlek flyby; Qbert’s a runner now because he’s fat (his words, not mine).
  • My EH Soprano in attendance is always a thrill.
  • 16 PAX! Strong showing and I’m honored to lead such a fine group of men. Thank you men and thank you MQ Carpet Bagger