Grown Men Playing with Frisbees

There was many running/rucking #thestandard, including Chief and Manhands rucking and Crack, Strutter, LadyBug, Mailman, Dewey, and Pile running.  This hardcore crew gathered for the respectuful Pledge, lead by Lear, then got down to business.  

Pile and SoulGlo were there, but not yet registered on this WS. 

WarmUps- Mozy to 'highest' (most east) parking lot-high knees, butt kickers, R/L Karaoke up/down the hill to the baseball field. kick steppers, bear crawl.  COP- IC- SSH 20, 1 R/L SitOut (SO), IST 15, 2 SO, CP's 10, 3 SO, Slow Deep Mericans 15, 4 SO, Increasing jump squats 10, 5 SO, WM's 10, 6 SO.  Mozy to pull up bars.

Divide into light/dark shirt groups, one group does 10 pull ups, the other 10 dips IC, switch, then repeat with 8, then 6 pullups and 12, then 14 dips.  Off to the Ultimate Pitch, dude.  

The next 30 minutes or so involved a, and this word is used generously, rudimentary game of Ultimate.  Two fields were setup, light jersey's v. dark, and 'rough' rules were explained, play commenced.  Here's the basic rules of Ulitmate to give those that want it a little more info.

Each team is usually made of 7, but 6, 5,and 4 works well, especially if you are learning.  One team 'kicksoff' (throws the disc, hopefully landing in bounds) to the other, both teams are SUPPOSED to be standing on their goallines. Usually, the team throwing the frisbee is lining up across the person they wish to cover on D.  Once the receiving team gets the disc (Frisbee), they are to throw and catch among their team members to get the disc to the far 'end zone'.  If the disc hits the ground, goes out of bounds, or is intercepted/knocked down by the opposing team, it now becomes 'their' disc.  This is called a 'turnover', OVER for short.  The key is to VALUE THE DISC, as every time it is dropped, the entire direction of play changes, resulting in a LOT of running.  Basically, it's s running throw and catch game, simply said.  More advanced rules are that once you make a catch, you must stop, within reason (a few steps), establish a pivot foot, and make a throw to a teammate.  IF you are in the endzone WHEN you catch the disc, it's a score, one point.  Most games are played up to an odd number (11,13,15, etc.), and half time is when one team reaches the number that is JUST past half way (eg, 6,7,8 respectively in the samples above).  Each player is entitled to throw and catch without interference from the opposing team (hand/body fouls are called by the player BEING fouled).  PRIOR to any catch or during a throw, disc contact is 'good defense'.  Your right to throw is just like shooting a basketball.  IF the defender hits your hand, it's a FOUL.  If the defender gets all disc, it's a STUFF, and good D.  The thrower is given 1 disc with distance 'free space' from the defender, and another defender may not be within 5 feet, read 'no double teaming'.  The thrower must also throw the disc within 10 seconds, and this would be counted by the defender.  The rest of it all nuance, 

The troops were gathered at about 8 of, mozy up to parking lot, and…

Mary-Lear led 100 LBC's, IC….sheesh!


-YHC is missing one or two, please let me know and I'll fill in the blanks.

-This was the tale of two pitches.  The 'far' pitch was OWNED by the darks, for a bit.  Then the lights got religion, valued the disc, strung together a bunch of quality throw and catches, and they picked right up!  The near pitch….well, not so much.  Rules such as playing within the lines were not enforced, as some were proclaiming they would be 'separated from their teammates' if these rules were indeed enforced.  The 'overs' were not clearly observed, and fouls were rampant.

-Lomax Kottered back into our fold, great to have him back!  

-Soul Glo played his FIRST game of ultimate, at age 61, bringing to light the beauty and majesty of F3. (sources say he really enjoyed the game, but that story could not be corroborated by third party sources).

-Lear, unflappably, counted to 100, in cadence, and smoked all of our abs, with one repetitively crushing exercise.  

