Guess I’ll Do It Today

Event Date

Jun 19, 2023

I’ve been thinking about taking a Monday Q and doing a simple off-campus run with pain stations. When Bertha and I drove up to the AO at 5:29 AM with no one else there, and no Q, I figured today was as good a day as any. Right at 5:30, Clark pulls in and we have our run crew for the day.


15-Copperhead Squats

15-Imperial Storm Troopers

15-Toy Soldiers

Touch your toes

…and then we are off!

The Thang:

We head west towards the front of the school, cross the knee-high weed pit known as “grass”, and then enter Trilogy at the main entrance on Exploration Blvd. We then take the Looking Glass Trail loop onto Iron Springs Dr., exit Trilogy onto Little Egypt Rd to the bank parking lot, cross over 73 and enter the school parking lot while hugging the left hand side to do a full lap (minus the flag pole) before finishing up the run. 

Every 1/2 mile, we would stop and do a pain station. The pain stations were:

20-Merkins OYO

20-Squats IC

20-Carolina Dry Docks OYO

20-Lunges (10 each leg) OYO

Bear crawl approximately 25 yards

10-Turkish Get-Ups OYO (In the bank parking lot, so I’m sure that looked great on the security cams)

20-Tricep Dips OYO


  • Bertha mentioned that we were running the phallus route. I explained that it was in honor of Father’s Day.
  • Clark mentioned that he spent the weekend at his perfectly heated pool. Good thing since it’s been like northern Michigan this month.
  • Bertha’s back is hurting so I tried to do things that didn’t put too much strain on him, then I blew it with with Turkish Get-Ups.
  • Clark illuminated the way like a proper morning runner.


I was reading Ruth 3 this morning and one thing that jumped out at me was Ruth’s humility with the way she handled Boaz. In Jewish culture, she could have demanded that Boaz married her as her kinsmen redeemer, but instead, she came to Boaz as a servant by laying at his feet. While there is a lot to unpack with this passage, I focused on the fact that the best way to come to others is through humility. Even if we have the “authority” to demand something in our homes, our families, or our jobs, being the person who approaches things with arrogance rarely accomplishes any positive outcomes that last.

Until Next Time